\chapter{Introduction} this is the first chapter \section{section} This is the first section. \subsection{Subsection} normal \emph{italic}, \textbf{bold} and \textbf{\emph{bold italic}}. ä ö ü ß % Required packages: "csquotes", (optional) "babel" % bold {\textbf{Sample Text 0123}} \\ % italic {\textit{Sample Text 0123}} \\ % small caps {\textsc{Sample Text 0123}} \\ % sans serif {\textsf{Sample Text 0123}} \\ % tiny {\tiny{Sample Text 0123}} \\ % normalsize {\normalsize{Sample Text 0123}} \\ % huge {\huge{Sample Text 0123}} \\ % hiperlink {\color{HyperlinkBlue}\url{https://de.sharelatex.com/learn/}} \\ \\ A \rotatebox{90}{B} C \\ These are special characters: äöüß