# 2.4 Radare2 - [简介](#简介) - [安装](#安装) - [基本使用方法](#基本使用方法) - [在 CTF 中的运用](#在-ctf-中的运用) ## 简介 IDA Pro 昂贵的价格令很多二进制爱好者望而却步,于是在开源世界中催生出了一个新的逆向工程框架——Radare2,它拥有非常强大的功能,包括反汇编、调试、打补丁、虚拟化等等,而且可以运行在几乎所有的主流平台上(GNU/Linux、Windows、BSD、iOS、OSX……)。Radare2 开发之初仅提供了基于命令行的操作,尽管现在也有非官方的GUI,但我更喜欢直接在终端上运行它,当然这也就意味着更高陡峭的学习曲线。Radare2 是由一系列的组件构成的,这些组件赋予了 Radare2 强大的分析能力,可以在 Radare2 中或者单独被使用。 这里是 Radare2 与其他二进制分析工具的对比。([Comparison Table](http://rada.re/r/cmp.html)) ## 安装 #### 安装 ``` $ git clone https://github.com/radare/radare2.git $ cd radare2 $ ./sys/install.sh ``` #### 更新 ``` $ ./sys/install.sh ``` #### 卸载 ``` $ make uninstall $ make purge ``` ## 基本使用方法 #### 小工具 Radare2 是由一些命令行小工具组成的: - radare2:十六进制编辑器和调试器的核心。 - rabin2:从可执行二进制文件中提取信息。 - rasm2:汇编和反汇编。 - rahash2:基于块的哈希工具。 - radiff2:二进制文件或代码差异比对。 - rafind2:查找字节模式。 - ragg2:r_egg 的前端,将以简单高级语言编写的程序编译成x86、x86-64和ARM的二进制文件。 - rarun2:用于在不同环境中运行程序。 - rax2:数据格式转换。 #### radare2/r2 ``` $ r2 -h Usage: r2 [-ACdfLMnNqStuvwzX] [-P patch] [-p prj] [-a arch] [-b bits] [-i file] [-s addr] [-B baddr] [-M maddr] [-c cmd] [-e k=v] file|pid|-|--|= -- run radare2 without opening any file - same as 'r2 malloc://512' = read file from stdin (use -i and -c to run cmds) -= perform !=! command to run all commands remotely -0 print \x00 after init and every command -a [arch] set asm.arch -A run 'aaa' command to analyze all referenced code -b [bits] set asm.bits -B [baddr] set base address for PIE binaries -c 'cmd..' execute radare command -C file is host:port (alias for -c+=http://%s/cmd/) -d debug the executable 'file' or running process 'pid' -D [backend] enable debug mode (e cfg.debug=true) -e k=v evaluate config var -f block size = file size -F [binplug] force to use that rbin plugin -h, -hh show help message, -hh for long -H ([var]) display variable -i [file] run script file -I [file] run script file before the file is opened -k [k=v] perform sdb query into core->sdb -l [lib] load plugin file -L list supported IO plugins -m [addr] map file at given address (loadaddr) -M do not demangle symbol names -n, -nn do not load RBin info (-nn only load bin structures) -N do not load user settings and scripts -o [OS/kern] set asm.os (linux, macos, w32, netbsd, ...) -q quiet mode (no prompt) and quit after -i -p [prj] use project, list if no arg, load if no file -P [file] apply rapatch file and quit -R [rarun2] specify rarun2 profile to load (same as -e dbg.profile=X) -s [addr] initial seek -S start r2 in sandbox mode -t load rabin2 info in thread -u set bin.filter=false to get raw sym/sec/cls names -v, -V show radare2 version (-V show lib versions) -w open file in write mode -X [rr2rule] specify custom rarun2 directive -z, -zz do not load strings or load them even in raw ``` #### rabin2 ``` $ rabin2 -h Usage: rabin2 [-AcdeEghHiIjlLMqrRsSvVxzZ] [-@ at] [-a arch] [-b bits] [-B addr] [-C F:C:D] [-f str] [-m addr] [-n str] [-N m:M] [-P[-P] pdb] [-o str] [-O str] [-k query] [-D lang symname] | file -@ [addr] show section, symbol or import at addr -A list sub-binaries and their arch-bits pairs -a [arch] set arch (x86, arm, .. or _) -b [bits] set bits (32, 64 ...) -B [addr] override base address (pie bins) -c list classes -C [fmt:C:D] create [elf,mach0,pe] with Code and Data hexpairs (see -a) -d show debug/dwarf information -D lang name demangle symbol name (-D all for bin.demangle=true) -e entrypoint -E globally exportable symbols -f [str] select sub-bin named str -F [binfmt] force to use that bin plugin (ignore header check) -g same as -SMZIHVResizcld (show all info) -G [addr] load address . offset to header -h this help message -H header fields -i imports (symbols imported from libraries) -I binary info -j output in json -k [sdb-query] run sdb query. for example: '*' -K [algo] calculate checksums (md5, sha1, ..) -l linked libraries -L [plugin] list supported bin plugins or plugin details -m [addr] show source line at addr -M main (show address of main symbol) -n [str] show section, symbol or import named str -N [min:max] force min:max number of chars per string (see -z and -zz) -o [str] output file/folder for write operations (out by default) -O [str] write/extract operations (-O help) -p show physical addresses -P show debug/pdb information -PP download pdb file for binary -q be quiet, just show fewer data -qq show less info (no offset/size for -z for ex.) -Q show load address used by dlopen (non-aslr libs) -r radare output -R relocations -s symbols -S sections -u unfiltered (no rename duplicated symbols/sections) -v display version and quit -V Show binary version information -x extract bins contained in file -X [fmt] [f] .. package in fat or zip the given files and bins contained in file -z strings (from data section) -zz strings (from raw bins [e bin.rawstr=1]) -zzz dump raw strings to stdout (for huge files) -Z guess size of binary program ``` #### rasm2 ``` $ rasm2 -h Usage: rasm2 [-ACdDehLBvw] [-a arch] [-b bits] [-o addr] [-s syntax] [-f file] [-F fil:ter] [-i skip] [-l len] 'code'|hex|- -a [arch] Set architecture to assemble/disassemble (see -L) -A Show Analysis information from given hexpairs -b [bits] Set cpu register size (8, 16, 32, 64) (RASM2_BITS) -c [cpu] Select specific CPU (depends on arch) -C Output in C format -d, -D Disassemble from hexpair bytes (-D show hexpairs) -e Use big endian instead of little endian -E Display ESIL expression (same input as in -d) -f [file] Read data from file -F [in:out] Specify input and/or output filters (att2intel, x86.pseudo, ...) -h, -hh Show this help, -hh for long -i [len] ignore/skip N bytes of the input buffer -k [kernel] Select operating system (linux, windows, darwin, ..) -l [len] Input/Output length -L List Asm plugins: (a=asm, d=disasm, A=analyze, e=ESIL) -o [offset] Set start address for code (default 0) -O [file] Output file name (rasm2 -Bf a.asm -O a) -p Run SPP over input for assembly -s [syntax] Select syntax (intel, att) -B Binary input/output (-l is mandatory for binary input) -v Show version information -w What's this instruction for? describe opcode -q quiet mode ``` #### rahash2 ``` $ rahash2 -h Usage: rahash2 [-rBhLkv] [-b S] [-a A] [-c H] [-E A] [-s S] [-f O] [-t O] [file] ... -a algo comma separated list of algorithms (default is 'sha256') -b bsize specify the size of the block (instead of full file) -B show per-block hash -c hash compare with this hash -e swap endian (use little endian) -E algo encrypt. Use -S to set key and -I to set IV -D algo decrypt. Use -S to set key and -I to set IV -f from start hashing at given address -i num repeat hash N iterations -I iv use give initialization vector (IV) (hexa or s:string) -S seed use given seed (hexa or s:string) use ^ to prefix (key for -E) (- will slurp the key from stdin, the @ prefix points to a file -k show hash using the openssh's randomkey algorithm -q run in quiet mode (-qq to show only the hash) -L list all available algorithms (see -a) -r output radare commands -s string hash this string instead of files -t to stop hashing at given address -x hexstr hash this hexpair string instead of files -v show version information ``` #### radiff2 ``` $ radiff2 -h Usage: radiff2 [-abcCdjrspOxuUvV] [-A[A]] [-g sym] [-t %] [file] [file] -a [arch] specify architecture plugin to use (x86, arm, ..) -A [-A] run aaa or aaaa after loading each binary (see -C) -b [bits] specify register size for arch (16 (thumb), 32, 64, ..) -c count of changes -C graphdiff code (columns: off-A, match-ratio, off-B) (see -A) -d use delta diffing -D show disasm instead of hexpairs -e [k=v] set eval config var value for all RCore instances -g [sym|off1,off2] graph diff of given symbol, or between two offsets -G [cmd] run an r2 command on every RCore instance created -i diff imports of target files (see -u, -U and -z) -j output in json format -n print bare addresses only (diff.bare=1) -O code diffing with opcode bytes only -p use physical addressing (io.va=0) -q quiet mode (disable colors, reduce output) -r output in radare commands -s compute text distance -ss compute text distance (using levenstein algorithm) -S [name] sort code diff (name, namelen, addr, size, type, dist) (only for -C or -g) -t [0-100] set threshold for code diff (default is 70%) -x show two column hexdump diffing -u unified output (---+++) -U unified output using system 'diff' -v show version information -V be verbose (current only for -s) -z diff on extracted strings ``` #### rafind2 ``` $ rafind2 -h Usage: rafind2 [-mXnzZhv] [-a align] [-b sz] [-f/t from/to] [-[m|s|S|e] str] [-x hex] file .. -a [align] only accept aligned hits -b [size] set block size -e [regex] search for regular expression string matches -f [from] start searching from address 'from' -h show this help -m magic search, file-type carver -M [str] set a binary mask to be applied on keywords -n do not stop on read errors -r print using radare commands -s [str] search for a specific string (can be used multiple times) -S [str] search for a specific wide string (can be used multiple times) -t [to] stop search at address 'to' -v print version and exit -x [hex] search for hexpair string (909090) (can be used multiple times) -X show hexdump of search results -z search for zero-terminated strings -Z show string found on each search hit ``` #### ragg2 ``` $ ragg2 -h Usage: ragg2 [-FOLsrxhvz] [-a arch] [-b bits] [-k os] [-o file] [-I path] [-i sc] [-e enc] [-B hex] [-c k=v] [-C file] [-p pad] [-q off] [-q off] [-dDw off:hex] file|f.asm|- -a [arch] select architecture (x86, mips, arm) -b [bits] register size (32, 64, ..) -B [hexpairs] append some hexpair bytes -c [k=v] set configuration options -C [file] append contents of file -d [off:dword] patch dword (4 bytes) at given offset -D [off:qword] patch qword (8 bytes) at given offset -e [encoder] use specific encoder. see -L -f [format] output format (raw, pe, elf, mach0) -F output native format (osx=mach0, linux=elf, ..) -h show this help -i [shellcode] include shellcode plugin, uses options. see -L -I [path] add include path -k [os] operating system's kernel (linux,bsd,osx,w32) -L list all plugins (shellcodes and encoders) -n [dword] append 32bit number (4 bytes) -N [dword] append 64bit number (8 bytes) -o [file] output file -O use default output file (filename without extension or a.out) -p [padding] add padding after compilation (padding=n10s32) ntas : begin nop, trap, 'a', sequence NTAS : same as above, but at the end -P [size] prepend debruijn pattern -q [fragment] debruijn pattern offset -r show raw bytes instead of hexpairs -s show assembler -v show version -w [off:hex] patch hexpairs at given offset -x execute -z output in C string syntax ``` #### rarun2 ``` $ rarun2 -h Usage: rarun2 -v|-t|script.rr2 [directive ..] ``` #### rax2 ``` $ rax2 -h Usage: rax2 [options] [expr ...] =[base] ; rax2 =10 0x46 -> output in base 10 int -> hex ; rax2 10 hex -> int ; rax2 0xa -int -> hex ; rax2 -77 -hex -> int ; rax2 0xffffffb3 int -> bin ; rax2 b30 int -> ternary ; rax2 t42 bin -> int ; rax2 1010d float -> hex ; rax2 3.33f hex -> float ; rax2 Fx40551ed8 oct -> hex ; rax2 35o hex -> oct ; rax2 Ox12 (O is a letter) bin -> hex ; rax2 1100011b hex -> bin ; rax2 Bx63 hex -> ternary ; rax2 Tx23 raw -> hex ; rax2 -S < /binfile hex -> raw ; rax2 -s 414141 -b bin -> str ; rax2 -b 01000101 01110110 -B str -> bin ; rax2 -B hello -d force integer ; rax2 -d 3 -> 3 instead of 0x3 -e swap endianness ; rax2 -e 0x33 -D base64 decode ; -E base64 encode ; -f floating point ; rax2 -f 6.3+2.1 -F stdin slurp C hex ; rax2 -F < shellcode.c -h help ; rax2 -h -k keep base ; rax2 -k 33+3 -> 36 -K randomart ; rax2 -K 0x34 1020304050 -n binary number ; rax2 -n 0x1234 # 34120000 -N binary number ; rax2 -N 0x1234 # \x34\x12\x00\x00 -r r2 style output ; rax2 -r 0x1234 -s hexstr -> raw ; rax2 -s 43 4a 50 -S raw -> hexstr ; rax2 -S < /bin/ls > ls.hex -t tstamp -> str ; rax2 -t 1234567890 -x hash string ; rax2 -x linux osx -u units ; rax2 -u 389289238 # 317.0M -w signed word ; rax2 -w 16 0xffff -v version ; rax2 -v ``` ## 在 CTF 中的运用 ## 更多资源 - [The radare2 book](https://www.gitbook.com/book/radare/radare2book) - [Radare2 intro](https://github.com/radare/radare2/blob/master/doc/intro.md)