import os import subprocess import click from antlr4 import FileStream, CommonTokenStream from antlr4.error.ErrorListener import ConsoleErrorListener from tools.genANTLR4 import generate, regenerate try: # dynamic loading of ANTLR4 files from parser import MPLexer, MPParser # type: ignore except ImportError: generate() from parser import MPLexer, MPParser # type: ignore from astgen.ASTGeneration import ASTGeneration from checker.StaticCheck import StaticChecker from codegen.CodeGenerator import CodeGenerator Lexer = MPLexer.MPLexer # load from module Parser = MPParser.MPParser # load from module ANTLR_JAR = os.environ.get('ANTLR_LIB') JASMIN_JAR = './external/jasmin.jar' if ANTLR_JAR is None: # fall back, not recommended ANTLR_JAR = './external/antrl4.jar' class SyntaxException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.message = msg class NewErrorListener(ConsoleErrorListener): INSTANCE = None def syntaxError(self, recognizer, offendingSymbol, line, column, msg, e): raise SyntaxException( "Error on line " + str(line) + " col " + str(column) + ": " + offendingSymbol.text) def compile(inputfile, output): lexer = Lexer(FileStream(inputfile)) tokens = CommonTokenStream(lexer) try: # listener = TestParser.createErrorListener() listener = NewErrorListener().INSTANCE parser = Parser(tokens) parser.removeErrorListeners() parser.addErrorListener(listener) tree = parser.program() except SyntaxException as f: msg = f.message.split(':')[0].split(' ') line = int(msg[3]) col = int(msg[5]) error_line = open(inputfile).read() error_line = error_line.split('\n')[line - 1] print(error_line) print('~' * (col) + '^') print(f.message) raise f asttree = ASTGeneration().visit(tree) checker = StaticChecker(asttree) checker.check() path = output filename = os.path.basename(inputfile).split('.')[0] jasmin_file = '{}/{}.j'.format(path, filename) codeGen = CodeGenerator() codeGen.gen(asttree, path, filename) "java -jar {} {} -d {}".format(JASMIN_JAR, jasmin_file, path), shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) with open('{}/io.class'.format(path), 'wb') as iofile: iofile.write(open('libs/io.class', 'rb').read()) 'jar cvfe {0}.jar {0} io.class {0}.class'.format( filename ), cwd=path, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) os.remove(jasmin_file) os.remove('{}/{}.class'.format(path, filename)) os.remove('{}/io.class'.format(path)) @click.command() @click.argument('file') @click.option( '--output', default='', help='Where the jar file will be after compile') @click.option( '--regen', is_flag=True, help='Regenerate antlr4 files and exit' ) def main(file, output, regen): if regen: regenerate() print("ANTLR4 files regenerate succesfully") return if output == '': output = os.path.dirname(file) else: # check if directory, create # if file path, then pass print("Compiling {}".format(os.path.relpath(file))) try: compile(file, output) except BaseException as e: print(e) exit(1) print("Compiled successfully") if __name__ == "__main__": main()