154 lines
6.1 KiB
154 lines
6.1 KiB
#include <data/common.h>
#include <data/find.h>
#include <data/binary.h>
#include <data/cc.h>
#include <config/placeholder.h>
int patchfd;
static inline void patch_with_range(const char *name, addr_t addr, prange_t pr) {
uint32_t len = strlen(name);
write(patchfd, &len, sizeof(len));
write(patchfd, name, len);
write(patchfd, &addr, sizeof(addr));
uint32_t size = pr.size; // size_t no good
write(patchfd, &size, sizeof(size));
write(patchfd, pr.start, pr.size);
#define patch(name, addr, typeof_to, to...) \
({ typeof_to to_[] = to; \
patch_with_range(name, addr, (prange_t) {&to_[0], sizeof(to_)}); })
uint32_t find_dvp_struct_offset(struct binary *binary) {
bool is_armv7 = binary->actual_cpusubtype == 9;
range_t range = b_macho_segrange(binary, "__PRELINK_TEXT");
addr_t derive_vnode_path = find_bof(range, find_int32(range, find_string(range, "path", 0, true), true), is_armv7);
uint8_t byte = b_read8(binary, find_data((range_t){binary, derive_vnode_path, 1024}, !is_armv7 ? "00 00 50 e3 02 30 a0 11 - .. 00 94 e5" : "- .. 69 6a 46", 0, true));
if(is_armv7) {
return (4 | (byte >> 6)) << 2;
} else {
return byte;
addr_t find_scratch(struct binary *binary) {
range_t range = b_macho_segrange(binary, "__PRELINK_TEXT");
prange_t pr = rangeconv(range);
for(size_t o = 0; o < pr.size - 0x1000; o += 4) {
for(size_t p = 0; p < 0x1000; p++) {
uint8_t c = ((char *) pr.start)[o + p];
if(!((p != 0 && c == 0) || c == 0x14)) goto nope;
return range.start + o;
die("didn't find scratch");
addr_t find_sysctl(struct binary *binary, const char *name) {
addr_t cs = find_string(b_macho_segrange(binary, "__TEXT"), name, 0, true);
addr_t csref = find_int32(b_macho_segrange(binary, "__DATA"), cs, true);
return b_read32(binary, csref - 8);
void do_kernel(prange_t output, prange_t sandbox, struct binary *binary) {
bool is_armv7 = binary->actual_cpusubtype == 9;
//#define IN_PLACE_PATCH
// patches
b_read32(binary, b_sym(binary, "_kernel_pmap", false)) + 0x420,
uint32_t, {0});
// the second ref to mem_size
patch("kernel_pmap.nx_enabled initializer",
find_data(b_macho_segrange(binary, "__TEXT"), is_armv7 ? "03 68 - c3 f8 20 24" : "84 23 db 00 - d5 50 22 68", 0, true),
uint32_t, {is_armv7 ? 0xc420f8c3 : 0x682250d0});
find_sysctl(binary, "proc_enforce"),
uint32_t, {0});*/
find_string(b_macho_segrange(binary, "__DATA"), "/sbin/launchd", 0, true),
char, "/sbin/lunchd");
// vm_map_enter (patch1) - allow RWX pages
find_data(b_macho_segrange(binary, "__TEXT"), is_armv7 ? "- 02 0f .. .. 63 08 03 f0 01 05 e3 0a 13 f0 01 03" : "- .. .. .. .. .. 08 1e 1c .. 0a 01 22 .. 1c 16 40 .. 40", 0, true),
uint32_t, {is_armv7 ? 0x46c00f02 : 0x46c046c0});
// AMFI (patch3) - disable the predefined list of executable stuff
find_data(b_macho_segrange(binary, "__PRELINK_TEXT"), is_armv7 ? "23 78 9c 45 05 d1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4b 98 47 00 .. -" : "13 20 a0 e3 .. .. .. .. 33 ff 2f e1 00 00 50 e3 00 00 00 0a .. 40 a0 e3 - 04 00 a0 e1 90 80 bd e8", 0, true),
uint32_t, {is_armv7 ? 0x1c201c20 : 0xe3a00001});
// PE_i_can_has_debugger (patch4) - so AMFI allows non-ldid'd binaries (and some other stuff is allowed)
b_sym(binary, "_PE_i_can_has_debugger", false),
uint32_t, {0x47702001});
// task_for_pid 0
// this is necessary so a reboot isn't required after using the screwed up version
patch("task_for_pid 0",
find_data(b_macho_segrange(binary, "__TEXT"), is_armv7 ? "85 68 00 23 .. 93 .. 93 - 5c b9 .. .. 29 46 04 22" : "85 68 .. 93 .. 93 - 00 2c 0b d1", 0, true),
uint32_t, {is_armv7 ? 0x46c0e00b : 0xe00b2c00});
// cs_enforcement_disable
resolve_ldr(binary, find_data(b_macho_segrange(binary, "__TEXT"), is_armv7 ? "1d ee 90 3f d3 f8 4c 33 d3 f8 9c 20 + .. .. .. .. 19 68 00 29" : "9c 22 03 59 99 58 + .. .. 1a 68 00 2a", 0, true)),
uint32_t, {1});
// sandbox
range_t range = b_macho_segrange(binary, "__PRELINK_TEXT");
addr_t sb_evaluate = find_bof(range, find_int32(range, find_string(range, "bad opcode", false, true), true), is_armv7);
preplace32(sandbox, CONFIG_IS_ARMV7, (uint32_t) is_armv7);
preplace32(sandbox, CONFIG_VN_GETPATH, b_sym(binary, "_vn_getpath", true));
preplace32(sandbox, CONFIG_MEMCMP, b_sym(binary, "_memcmp", true));
preplace32(sandbox, CONFIG_SB_EVALUATE_ORIG1, b_read32(binary, sb_evaluate));
preplace32(sandbox, CONFIG_SB_EVALUATE_ORIG2, b_read32(binary, sb_evaluate + 4));
preplace32(sandbox, CONFIG_SB_EVALUATE_JUMPTO, sb_evaluate + (is_armv7 ? 9 : 8));
preplace32(sandbox, CONFIG_DVP_STRUCT_OFFSET, find_dvp_struct_offset(binary));
addr_t scratch = find_scratch(binary);
uint32_t, {(is_armv7 ? 0xf000f8df : 0xe51ff004), scratch | 1});
patch_with_range("sb_evaluate hook",
addr_t sysent = find_data(b_macho_segrange(binary, "__DATA"), "21 00 00 00 00 10 86 00 -", 0, true);
addr_t sysent_patch_orig = b_read32(binary, sysent + 4);
patch("sysent patch", 0, uint32_t, {sysent + 4});
patch("sysent patch orig", 0, uint32_t, {sysent_patch_orig});
fprintf(stderr, "scratch = %x\n", scratch);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
struct binary binary;
prange_t kernel = load_file(argv[1], false, NULL);
b_prange_load_macho(&binary, kernel, argv[1]);
prange_t sandbox = load_file(argv[2], true, NULL);
patchfd = open(argv[3], O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
if(patchfd == -1) {
edie("could not open patchfd");
do_kernel(kernel, sandbox, &binary);
return 0;