2012-01-12 02:12:29 -05:00

85 lines
1.5 KiB

.syntax unified
// <-
push {r0-r4, lr}
sub sp, #0x44
ldr r4, [r3, #0x14]
cmp r4, #0
beq actually_eval
ldr r3, vn_getpath
mov r1, sp
movs r0, #0x40
add r2, sp, #0x40
str r0, [r2]
mov r0, r4
blx r3
cmp r0, #28
beq enospc
cmp r0, #0
bne actually_eval
# that error's okay...
mov r0, sp
adr r1, string
movs r2, #19 ;# "/private/var/mobile"
ldr r3, memcmp
blx r3
cmp r0, #0
bne allow
mov r0, sp
adr r1, string
movs r2, #49 ;# "/private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/"
ldr r3, memcmp
blx r3
cmp r0, #0
beq actually_eval
mov r0, sp
adr r1, string
movs r2, #39 ;# "/private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences"
ldr r3, memcmp
blx r3
cmp r0, #0
bne actually_eval
# it's not in /var/mobile but we have a path, let it through
add sp, #0x44
pop {r0}
movs r1, #0
str r1, [r0]
movs r1, #0x18
strb r1, [r0, #4]
pop {r1-r4, pc}
add sp, #0x44
ldr r0, [sp, #5*4]
mov lr, r0
ldr r1, orig_addr
mov r9, r1
pop {r0-r4}
add sp, #4
#ifndef __ARM_ARCH_7A__
bx pc
.align 2
.long c_sb_evaluate_orig1
.long c_sb_evaluate_orig2
.long c_sb_evaluate_orig3
.long c_sb_evaluate_orig4
bx r9
.align 2
string: .ascii "/private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/"
.align 2
orig_addr: .long c_sb_evaluate_jumpto
memcmp: .long c_memcmp
vn_getpath: .long c_vn_getpath