using Images using Formatting using StatsBase using FFTW function genMatrix(what, params...) params = map(x->parse(Float32, x), params) M = zeros(Float32, (3,3)) M[3, 3] = 1 if what == "scale" if length(params) < 2 error("Scale requires two parameter (x, y)") end x, y = params printfmt("Scale with x = {}; y = {}\n", x, y) M[1, 1] = x M[2, 2] = y elseif what == "translate" if length(params) < 2 error("Translate requires two parameter (dx, dy)") end dx, dy = params M[1, 1] = 1 M[2, 2] = 1 M[1, 3] = dx M[2, 3] = dy elseif what == "rotate" if length(params) < 1 error("Rotate requires one parameter (theta, isRadian: true)") end theta = params[1] isRadian = 1 if length(params) >= 2 isRadian = params[2] end if isRadian == 1 M[1, 1] = cos(theta) M[1, 2] = -sin(theta) M[2, 1] = sin(theta) M[2, 2] = cos(theta) else M[1, 1] = cosd(theta) M[1, 2] = -sind(theta) M[2, 1] = sind(theta) M[2, 2] = cosd(theta) end elseif what == "shear" if length(params) < 4 error("Rotate requires four parameter (a, b, c, d)") end a,b,c,d = params M[1, 1] = a M[1, 2] = b M[2, 1] = c M[2, 2] = d else error(printfmt("Matrix of {} is unknown\n", what)) end M end function conv(in, kernel) row, col = size(in) krow, kcol = size(kernel) rowPad, colPad = round(Int32, krow/2, RoundDown),round(Int32, kcol/2, RoundDown) # feature_maps = zeros(eltype(in), (row + rowPad * 2, col + colPad * 2)) feature_maps = [ 5 5 0 0 1 2 2 5 5 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 1 5 1 2 2 7 7 1 5 1 2 2 7 7 4 5 4 3 3 7 7 1 6 1 3 3 7 7 1 6 1 3 3 ] out = zeros(eltype(in), size(in)) colStartIdx = colPad + 1 colEndIdx = colPad + col rowStartIdx = rowPad + 1 rowEndIdx = rowPad + row # setup feature map and kernel feature_maps[rowStartIdx:rowEndIdx, colStartIdx:colEndIdx] = in kernel = rot180(kernel) for i in rowStartIdx:rowEndIdx for j in colStartIdx:colEndIdx part = feature_maps[i-rowPad:i-rowPad+krow-1, j-colPad:j-colPad+kcol-1] v = sum(part .* kernel) if (v < 0) v = 0 elseif (v > 1) v = 1 end out[i-rowPad,j-colPad] = v end end # TODO: normalize output out ./ maximum(out) end if abspath(PROGRAM_FILE) == @__FILE__ I_cau1 = [ 5 0 0 1 2 2 1 5 1 2 7 1 5 1 2 7 4 5 4 3 7 1 6 1 3 ] sobel_x_kernel = [ -1 0 1 -2 0 2 -1 0 1 ] sobel_y_kernel = rotl90(sobel_x_kernel) # I_Gx = imfilter(I_cau1, centered(reflect(sobel_x_kernel)), "reflect") # I_Gy = imfilter(I_cau1, centered(reflect(sobel_y_kernel)), "reflect") I_Gx = conv(I_cau1, sobel_x_kernel) I_Gy = conv(I_cau1, sobel_y_kernel) # I_G = round.(Int32, sqrt.((I_Gx .^ 2) .* (I_Gy .^ 2))) printfmtln("Vector G(0,0) = ({}, {})", I_Gx[1,1], I_Gy[1,1]) printfmtln("Vector G(1,1) = ({}, {})", I_Gx[2,2], I_Gy[2,2]) printfmtln("Vector G(0,3) = ({}, {})", I_Gx[1,4], I_Gy[1,4]) hist = fit(Histogram, reshape(I_cau1, (length(I_cau1))), nbins=8).weights normalized_hist = hist ./ sum(hist) cumsum_normalized_hist = cumsum(normalized_hist) println("Histogram normalized") println(normalized_hist) println("Cumsum Histogram normalized") println(cumsum_normalized_hist) prefered_hist = fit(Histogram, 0:7, nbins=8).weights normalized_prefered_hist = prefered_hist ./ sum(prefered_hist) cumsum_normalized_prefered_hist = cumsum(normalized_prefered_hist) println("Prefered Histogram") println(normalized_prefered_hist) println("Cumsum Prefered Histogram") println(cumsum_normalized_prefered_hist) # out_hist = zeros(8) out_color = zeros(8) for i in 1:length(out_color) for k in 1:length(cumsum_normalized_prefered_hist) if cumsum_normalized_prefered_hist[k] - cumsum_normalized_hist[i] < 0 continue end out_hist[i] = cumsum_normalized_prefered_hist[k] out_color[i] = k break end end println("out hist") println(out_hist) println("out color") println([i for i=0:7]) println(out_color) for idx in CartesianIndices(I_cau1) newcolor = out_color[I_cau1[idx] + 1] I_cau1[idx] = newcolor end display(I_cau1) println() hist = fit(Histogram, reshape(I_cau1, (length(I_cau1))), nbins=8).weights normalized_hist = hist ./ sum(hist) cumsum_normalized_hist = cumsum(normalized_hist) println("New Histogram normalized") println(normalized_hist) println("New Cumsum Histogram normalized") println(cumsum_normalized_hist) println("==============================") fx = [1 3] N = length(fx) dft_fx = [exp(-2im*pi*u*x / N) for u=0:N-1, x=0:N-1] fx_dft = dft_fx * fx' println("Ma tran he co dft") display(dft_fx) println() println("Bien doi fft cua fx = [1, 3]") println(fx_dft) println("==============================") function alpha(u, N) if u == 0 sqrt(1/N) else sqrt(2/N) end end fx = [1 0 1 0] # pad with 0 N = 4 dct_fx = [alpha(u, N) * cos((2*x + 1) * u * pi / (2N)) for u=0:N-1, x=0:N - 1] fx_dct = dct_fx * fx' println("Ma tran he co dct voi N = 4 tren fx") display(dct_fx) println() println("Bien doi dct 4 diem cua fx = [1, 0, 1]") println(fx_dct) println("==============================") M_move_00 = genMatrix("translate", "-3", "-3") M_rotate_25 = genMatrix("rotate", "45", "0") M_move_33 = genMatrix("translate", "3", "3") M = M_move_33 * M_rotate_25 * M_move_00 println("Ma tran M de xoay hinh xung quanh (3,3)") display(M) println() new_idx = round.(Int32, inv(M) * [2 3 1]') printfmtln("Toa do Io(2, 3) co gia tri bang voi I({}, {})", new_idx[1:2]...) end # SAMPLE OUTPUT #= Vector G(0,0) = (0.0, 0.0) Vector G(1,1) = (1.0, 1.0) Vector G(0,3) = (1.0, 0.0) Histogram Dict{Int64,Float64} with 8 entries: 0 => 0.08 4 => 0.08 7 => 0.12 2 => 0.16 3 => 0.08 5 => 0.16 6 => 0.04 1 => 0.28 ============================== Ma tran he co dft 2×2 Array{Complex{Float64},2}: 1.0-0.0im 1.0-0.0im 1.0-0.0im -1.0-1.22465e-16im Bien doi fft cua fx = [1, 3] 2×1 Array{Complex{Float64},2}: 4.0 + 0.0im -2.0 - 3.6739403974420594e-16im ============================== Ma tran he co dct voi N = 4 tren fx 4×3 Array{Float64,2}: 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.653281 0.270598 -0.270598 0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0.270598 -0.653281 0.653281 Bien doi dct 4 diem cua fx = [1, 0, 1] 4×1 Array{Float64,2}: 1.0 0.3826834323650898 0.0 0.9238795325112867 ============================== Ma tran M de xoay hinh xung quanh (3,3) 3×3 Array{Float32,2}: 0.707107 -0.707107 3.0 0.707107 0.707107 -1.24264 0.0 0.0 1.0 Toa do Io(2, 3) co gia tri bang voi I(2, 4) =#