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\item How can we detect the boundary of holes, i.e., zero-values surrounded with 1-values. \end{enumerate} \end{alertblock} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=10cm]{bfollow_4.png} \end{figure} } \subsection{Chain codes} \frame { \frametitle{Representation: Chain codes} \begin{block}{Definition} \textbf{\alert{Feeman chain codes}} $\equiv$ \textbf{\alert{A sequence of straight-line segments}} of specified length and direction. \end{block} Each segment, as shown below, is denoted a number according 4- or 8-connectivity: \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=10cm]{chaincode_1.png} \end{figure} } \frame { \frametitle{Representation: Chain codes} \begin{block}{Algorithm for extracting chain codes} \begin{enumerate} \item Re-sample the boundary by using a larger grid spacing \item For each boundary point (during boundary traversing) \begin{enumerate} \item Obtain the node in the larger grid that is nearest to the current boundary point. \item If this node is different to the node in previous step, \begin{itemize} \item Compute a code using 4- or 8-connectivity from the node in the previous step to the current node \item Output this code. \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Representation: Chain codes} \begin{block}{A example} \end{block} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=10cm]{chaincode_2.png} \end{figure} } \frame { \frametitle{Representation: Chain codes} \begin{alertblock}{Problems facing with chain codes} { \large The chain code of a boundary depends on the starting point. } \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Solutions:}} \begin{enumerate} \item Sequence of codes forming the minimum integer \begin{itemize} \item Consider the chain code as a circular sequence. \item Re-define the starting point so that the sequence forms an integer with minimum magnitude. \end{itemize} \item Sequence of differences \begin{itemize} \item Difference $\equiv$ number of direction changes (e.g., in counterclockwise) between two adjacent codes. \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{alertblock} } \frame { \frametitle{Representation: Chain codes} \begin{alertblock}{Problems facing with chain codes} { \large The chain code of a boundary depends on the starting point. } \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Solutions:}} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{1} \item Sequence of differences \begin{itemize} \item Difference $\equiv$ number of direction changes (e.g., in counterclockwise) between two adjacent codes. For 4-connectivity: \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=4cm]{chaincode_1.png} \end{figure} \begin{itemize} \item From 1 to 0 $\equiv$ 3 \item From 1 to 3 $\equiv$ 2 \item From 2 to 0 $\equiv$ 2 \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{alertblock} } \frame { \frametitle{Representation: Chain codes} \begin{alertblock}{Problems facing with chain codes} { \large The chain code of a boundary depends on the starting point. } \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Solutions:}} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{1} \item Sequence of differences \item Represent the chain code by a sequence of differences instead of the chain code itself. \item The first difference $\equiv$ the difference between the last and the first components in the original. For 4-connectivity: \begin{itemize} \item 10103322 $\rightarrow$ 33133030 \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{alertblock} } \frame { \frametitle{Representation: Chain codes} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[height=4.5cm]{chaincode_3.png} \end{figure} \begin{block}{Questions} \begin{enumerate} \item How can you extract the outer and the inner boundary of the ring in the figure? Note: there are noise in the input image. \item How to extract the chain code that is invariant to rotation or orientation? \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \subsection{Signatures} \frame { \frametitle{Representation: Signature} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[height=6cm]{signature.png} \end{figure} \begin{alertblock}{Ideas} \large \alert{\textbf{Convert 2D boundary to 1D time series data.}} \end{alertblock} } \frame { \frametitle{Representation: Signature} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[height=3cm]{signature.png} \end{figure} \begin{block}{A Method: Distance from the centroid} \begin{enumerate} \item Determine the centroid of the boundary \item For each angle $\theta$ (discretized angle) \begin{itemize} \item Compute the distance from the centroid to the boundary point on the line oriented angle $\theta$ \item Output this distance \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Representation: Signature} \begin{block}{Problem facing with signature} \begin{enumerate} \item Signatures depend on the starting point, not invariant to orientation (rotation) \end{enumerate} \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Solutions:}} \begin{enumerate} \item Starting point $\equiv$ The farthest point from the centroid (assume that it is unique) \item Starting point $\equiv$ The farthest point on eigen-axis \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Representation: Signature} \begin{block}{Problem facing with signature} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{1} \item The magnitude of signatures depends on image scaling \end{enumerate} \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Solutions:}} \begin{enumerate} \item Normalize the magnitude to a certain range, for examples, $[0, 1]$ \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Representation: Signature} \large \begin{block}{Another Method: Histogram of angles} Input: \textbf{A reference line $L_{ref}$} \begin{enumerate} \item Extract boundary points \item For each point $p$ on the boundary \begin{itemize} \item Compute tangent line $L_{tangent}$ to the boundary at $p$ \item Compute the angle $\theta$ between $L_{tangent}$ and $L_{ref}$ \item Output $\theta$ \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{block} \begin{itemize} \item $L_{ref} \equiv Ox \Rightarrow$ The method \item $\equiv$ Histogram of tangent angle values \item $\equiv$ Slop-density function \item $\equiv$ Histogram of orientation for boundary points (HOG) \end{itemize} } \section{Boundary Descriptors} \subsection{Basic Descriptors} \frame { \frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors} \large \begin{block}{Perimeter} Perimeter is the length of boundary. \textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Approximation methods:}} \begin{enumerate} \item $\equiv$ The number of pixels on the boundary. \item $\equiv N_e + N_o\sqrt{2}$ \begin{itemize} \item $N_e$ : Number of even codes in chain code representation \item $N_o$ : Number of odd codes in chain code representation \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{block} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[height=3cm]{perimeter.png} \end{figure} \begin{itemize} \item distance(B,C) = 1; but, distance(A,B) = $\sqrt{2}$ \end{itemize} } \frame { \frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors} \large \begin{block}{Diameter} Diameter is the largest distance between any two points on a boundary. \vskip 2em \textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Mathematical Definition:}} \begin{itemize} \item $Diam(B)$: Diameter of boundary $B$ \item $D(p_i, p_j)$: The distance between two points $p_i$ and $p_j$ on the boundary $B$ \end{itemize} \vskip 2em \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber Diam(B) &= \underaccent{(i,j)}{\text{\alert{\textbf{max}}}}\{D(p_i,p_j)\} \end{split} \end{equation} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=8cm]{diameter.png} \caption{Diameter demonstration (Source: Book on Shape Classification and Analysis)} \end{figure} } \frame { \frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{block}{Major and Minor Axes} \begin{itemize} \item \alert{\textbf{Major Axis}} : The direction along which the shape points are more dispersed. The distance between two farthest points on the major axis is the \textbf{diameter}. \vskip 2em \item \alert{\textbf{Minor Axis}} : The direction that is perpendicular to the major axis \end{itemize} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=7cm]{major_minor_axes.png} \caption{Demonstration of Major and Minor axes (Source: Book on Shape Classification and Analysis)} \end{figure} } \frame { \frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{block}{Algorithm for obtaining major and minor axes} \begin{enumerate} \item Extract boundary points, using boundary following algorithm. Assume that there are $n$ boundary points \item Store $n$ boundary points into matrix $X$ of size $n \times 2$ \begin{itemize} \item Each boundary point $p(x_p, y_p)$ is stored into a row in $X$ \end{itemize} \item Compute covariance matrix $K$ of $X$. \item Calculate the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of $K$ \vskip 2em \begin{itemize} \item Major axis is the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue. \item Minor axis is the remaining eigenvector. \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{block}{Basic rectangle and Eccentricity} \begin{itemize} \item \alert{\textbf{Basic rectangle}} : The rectangle is a smallest rectangle that is aligned with the major and the minor axes and completely encloses the boundary \item \alert{\textbf{Eccentricity}} : \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber E = \frac{\text{length(major axis)}}{\text{length(minor axis)}} \end{split} \end{equation} \end{itemize} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{block}{Shape number} \begin{itemize} \item \alert{\textbf{Shape number}} : The first difference (see chain-code) of smallest magnitude \vskip 2em \item \alert{\textbf{Order of shape}} :The order of shape $\equiv$ The number of digits in the shape number \end{itemize} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=9cm]{shape_number.png} \end{figure} Dot is the starting point } \frame { \frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{block}{Questions} Given a order, How do we obtain encode a shape in this order? \end{block} \begin{block}{Solutions} \begin{enumerate} \item Determine the basic rectangle of the shape. \item Calculate the eccentricity of the basic rectangle, called $E_1$ \item From the input order, find a rectangle, called $R$, that has the order and best approximates $E_1$. \begin{itemize} \item Input order $n=12$ \item $\Rightarrow$ $n= 1 \times 12$ ($E=12$); $n= 2 \times 6$ ($E=3$); $n= 3 \times 4$ ($E=\frac{4}{3}$), etc. \end{itemize} \item Use $R$ to create the grid size. \item Use this grid to generate first difference and shape number. \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=7cm]{shape_number2.png} \caption{Demonstration for generating shape number from an order} \end{figure} } \subsection{Fourier Descriptors} \frame { \frametitle{Fourier Descriptors} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{block}{Input} \begin{itemize} \item A shape \end{itemize} \end{block} \begin{block}{Method} \begin{enumerate} \item Extract boundary points: $(x_0, y_0), (x_1, y_1)$, etc \item Define a sequence of complex numbers: \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber s(k) &= x(k) + jy(k) \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{itemize} \item $x(k) = x_k; y(k) = y_k$ \item $k = 0, 1, .., N-1$ \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Fourier Descriptors} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{block}{Method} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{2} \item Perform Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber a(u) &= \sum_{k=0}^{N-1}{s(k)e^{-j2\pi uk/N}} \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{itemize} \item $u = 0, 1, .., N-1$ \item {\large $a(u)$ are \textbf{Fourier Descriptors}} \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{block} \begin{block}{Inverse DFT} $s(k)$ can be approximated from the first $P$ Fourier Descriptors as follows: \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber \hat{s}(k)&= \frac{1}{P} \sum_{u=0}^{P-1}{a(u)e^{j2\pi uk/N}} \end{split} \end{equation} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Fourier Descriptors: Example} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=10cm]{fourier.png} \end{figure} } \frame { \frametitle{Fourier Descriptors} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=10cm]{fourier2.png} \end{figure} } \section{Regional Descriptors} \subsection{Simple Descriptors} \frame { \frametitle{Regional Simple Descriptors} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Perimeter}: defined in previous section \item \textbf{Area}: The number of pixels in the shape \item \textbf{Compactness}: \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber \text{\textbf{Compactness}} = \frac{\text{\textbf{Perimeter}}^2}{\text{\textbf{Area}}} \end{split} \end{equation} \item \textbf{Circularity Ratio}: The ratio of the area of the input region to the area of the circle that has the same perimeter with the input region \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber R_c = \frac{4 \pi A}{P^2} \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{itemize} \item $A$: Area of the region. \item $P$: Perimeter of the region. \item $R_c = 1 \Rightarrow$ Circle; $R_c = \pi/4 \Rightarrow$ Square; \end{itemize} \end{itemize} } \subsection{Topological Descriptors} \frame { \frametitle{Topological Descriptors} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Input}: A region has $H$ holes and $C$ connected components \item \textbf{Euler number}: $E = C - H$ \end{itemize} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=10cm]{euler_number.png} \end{figure} } \frame { \frametitle{Topological Descriptors} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Input}: A Region represented by straight-line segments \begin{enumerate} \item $F$ : Number of faces \item $V$ : Number of vertices \item $Q$ : Number of edges \end{enumerate} \item \textbf{Euler number}: \end{itemize} \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber E &= C - H \\ &= V - Q + F \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=8cm]{euler_number2.png} \end{figure} } \subsection{Texture} \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \large \textbf{Histogram-based descriptors: } \newline \textbf{Input: } \begin{itemize} \item An image or a region \end{itemize} \begin{block}{A Method} \begin{enumerate} \item Compute histogram $p(z) = \left[p(z_0), p(z_1), p(z_i).., p(z_{L-1}) \right]$ \begin{itemize} \item $i = 0, 1, ..., L-1$ ( $L=256$ for gray image) \end{itemize} \item Compute the mean of $z$ \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber m &= \sum_{i=0}^{L-1}{z_ip(z_i)} \end{split} \end{equation} \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \large \textbf{Histogram-based descriptors: } \newline \begin{block}{A Method} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{2} \item Compute the nth moments about the mean $m$ \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber \mu_n &= \sum_{i=0}^{L-1}{(z_i - m)^np(z_i)} \end{split} \end{equation} \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \large \textbf{Histogram-based descriptors: } \newline \begin{block}{Moments' meaning and properties} \begin{enumerate} \item $n=0$: $\mu_0 = 1$ \item $n=1$: $\mu_1 = 0$ \item $n=2$: $\mu_2 = \sigma^2$ : measure the variance of $z$ (intensities) \item \textbf{Relative Smoothness} $R$ is defined as \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber R &= 1 - \frac{1}{1 + \sigma^2} \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{itemize} \item $R = 0$: for region of constant intensity \item $R \rightarrow 1$ (approaching 1) for large variance $\sigma^2$ \item $\sigma^2$ should be normalized to 1 by $\sigma^2 \leftarrow \sigma^2/(L-1)^2$ \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \large \textbf{Histogram-based descriptors: } \newline \begin{block}{Moments' meaning and properties} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{4} \item $n=3$: $\mu_3$ measures the skewness of the region's histogram. \item $n=4$: $\mu_4$ measures the flatness of the region's histogram. \item $n\ge 5$: still provide further \textbf{discriminative} information of texture content. \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \large \textbf{Histogram-based descriptors: } \newline \begin{block}{More descriptors using histogram } \textbf{Uniformity} $U$: \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber U = \sum_{i=0}^{L-1}{p(z_i)^2} \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{itemize} \item $U$ is maximum for images in which all intensities are equal. \end{itemize} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \large \textbf{Histogram-based descriptors: } \newline \begin{block}{More descriptors using histogram } \textbf{Average Entropy} $E$: \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber E = -\sum_{i=0}^{L-1}{p(z_i)\log_{2}{p(z_i)}} \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{itemize} \item $E$ measures the variation of intensities in images. $E = 0$ for constant images. \end{itemize} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \large \textbf{Histogram-based descriptors: } \newline \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=10cm]{texture_1.png} \caption{Three kinds of texture in sub-images} \end{figure} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \large \textbf{Histogram-based descriptors: } \newline \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=10cm]{texture_2.png} \caption{Measurements for the previous three kinds of textures}. \end{figure} Find the \textbf{discrimination} on the above measurements } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \large \textbf{Relative positions of pixels: } \newline \textbf{Input:} \begin{itemize} \item An input image or a region \item $Q$ an operator that defines the position of two pixels relative to each other. \item $L$: number of intensity levels. \item \alert{Intensities are transformed to range of $[1, L]$ instead of $[0, L-1]$} \end{itemize} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \large \textbf{Relative positions of pixels: } \newline \begin{block}{Concept} \textbf{Co-occurrence matrix:} $G = \{g_{ij}\}_{L \times L}$ \begin{itemize} \item $G$ has size of $L \times L$ \item $i, j \in [1, L]$ \end{itemize} \textbf{Meaning of} $g_{ij}$: $g_{ij}$ is the number of pairs of two pixels $p$ and $q$ that satisfy the following predicates \begin{itemize} \item $p$ and $q$ satisfy operator $Q$, for examples, they are two consecutive pixels in the input image \item Gray level of pixel $p$ is $i$ \item Gray level of pixel $q$ is $j$ \end{itemize} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \large \textbf{Relative positions of pixels: } \newline \begin{examples} \begin{itemize} \item $Q$ : one pixel immediately to the right \item $L = 8$ \item Input image $f$ of small size, $6 \times 6$ \end{itemize} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=6cm]{texture_3.png} \caption{Demonstration of building co-occurrence matrix }. \end{figure} \end{examples} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \large \textbf{Relative positions of pixels: } \newline \begin{alertblock}{Normalized Co-occurrence Matrix: $G_{norm}$} \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber G_{norm} = \{p_{ij} = \frac{g_{ij}}{n} \}_{L \times L} \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{itemize} \item $n$ : the total number of pairs that satisfy $Q$ \end{itemize} \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber n = \sum_{i=1}^{L}{ \sum_{j=1}^{L} {g_{ij}} } \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{itemize} \item $p_{ij}$ : probability of occurring a pair of two pixels $p$ and $q$ that satisfy the positional operator $Q$ and that they have gray-levels $i$ and $j$ respectively. \end{itemize} \end{alertblock} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \large \textbf{Relative positions of pixels: } \newline \vskip 5em \begin{block}{Descriptors bases on $G_{norm}$} \begin{enumerate} \item \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Maximum Probability } }: \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber \underaccent{(i,j)}{\text{\alert{\textbf{max}}}}\{p_{ij}\} \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{itemize} \item Measures the strongest response of the co-occurrence \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \large \textbf{Relative positions of pixels: } \newline \begin{block}{Descriptors bases on $G_{norm}$} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{1} \item \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Correlation } }: \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber \sum_{i=1}^{K}{ \sum_{j=1}^{K} { \frac{(i - m_r)(j - m_c)p_{ij}}{ \sigma_r \sigma_c } } } \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{itemize} \item Measures how correlated a pixel is to its neighbors over the entire image \item Range of values: $[-1, 1]$, i.e., perfect negative and perfect positive. \item $\sigma_r \neq 0$ and $\sigma_c \neq 0$ \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \textbf{Relative positions of pixels: } \newline \begin{block}{Descriptors bases on $G_{norm}$} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{1} \item \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Correlation } }: \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber m_r &= \sum_{i=1}^{K}{i \sum_{j=1}^{K}{p_{ij} } } \\ m_c &= \sum_{j=1}^{K}{j \sum_{i=1}^{K}{p_{ij} } } \\ \sigma_r &= \sum_{i=1}^{K}{(i - m_r)^2 \sum_{j=1}^{K}{p_{ij} } } \\ \sigma_c &= \sum_{j=1}^{K}{(j - m_c)^2 \sum_{i=1}^{K}{p_{ij} } } \end{split} \end{equation} \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \large \textbf{Relative positions of pixels: } \newline \begin{block}{Descriptors bases on $G_{norm}$} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{2} \item \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Contrast } }: \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber \sum_{i=1}^{K}{ \sum_{j=1}^{K} { (i-j)^2p_{ij} } } \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{itemize} \item Measures the intensity contrast between a pixel to its neighbors over the entire image. \item Range of values: $[0, (K-1)^2]$ \item Contrast $= 0 \equiv$ $G$ is constant. \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \large \textbf{Relative positions of pixels: } \newline \begin{block}{Descriptors bases on $G_{norm}$} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{3} \item \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Uniformity } }: \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber \sum_{i=1}^{K}{ \sum_{j=1}^{K} { p_{ij}^2 } } \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{itemize} \item Measures the uniformity \item Range of values: $[0, 1]$ \item Uniformity $= 1$ for constant images \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \large \textbf{Relative positions of pixels: } \newline \begin{block}{Descriptors bases on $G_{norm}$} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{4} \item \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Homogeneity } }: \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber \sum_{i=1}^{K}{ \sum_{j=1}^{K} { \frac{p_{ij}}{ 1 + |i - j|} } } \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{itemize} \item Measures the spatial closeness of the distribution of elements in $G$ to the diagonal \item Range of values: $[0, 1]$ \item Homogeneity $= 1 \equiv $ $G$ is diagonal matrix \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \large \textbf{Relative positions of pixels: } \newline \begin{block}{Descriptors bases on $G_{norm}$} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{5} \item \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Entropy } }: \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber \sum_{i=1}^{K}{ \sum_{j=1}^{K} { p_{ij}\log_{2}{p_{ij}} } } \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{itemize} \item Measures the randomness of elements in $G$ \item Entropy $= 0$: all elements in $G$ are zeros \item Entropy $= 1$: all elements in $G$ are equal \item Max entropy = $2 \times \log_2{K}$ \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches - Demonstration} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=10cm]{texture_4.png} \end{figure} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches - Demonstration} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=10cm]{texture_5.png} \end{figure} \begin{itemize} \item $Q$: One pixel immediately to the right \item Note: these matrices are discriminative \end{itemize} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches - Demonstration} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=10cm]{texture_6.png} \end{figure} \begin{itemize} \item Measurements are discriminative \end{itemize} } \frame { \frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{block}{Questions} How can you reduce the size of co-occurrence matrices? \end{block} } \subsection{Spectral Descriptors} \frame { \frametitle{Spectral Descriptors} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{block}{Method} \begin{enumerate} \item Compute FFT, called $F(u.v)$, for the input image $f(x,y)$ for sub-image containing the input region. \item Convert $F(u.v)$ to polar system $T(r, \theta)$ \item Compute measurements $S(r)$ and $S(\theta)$ \end{enumerate} \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber S(r) &= \sum_{\theta = 0}^{\pi}{T(r, \theta) } \\ S(\theta) &= \sum_{r = 1}^{R_0}{T(r, \theta) } \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{itemize} \item $R_0$ : the radius of a circle centered at the origin. \end{itemize} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Spectral Descriptors - Demonstration} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=10cm]{spectral_1.png} \end{figure} } \frame { \frametitle{Spectral Descriptors - Demonstration} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=10cm]{spectral_2.png} \end{figure} } \section{Moments} \frame { \frametitle{Moments} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{block}{Inputs} \begin{enumerate} \item Image $f(x,y)$ of size $M \times N$ \end{enumerate} \end{block} \begin{alertblock}{Moments of order \textbf{(p + q) }} \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber m_{pq} &= \sum_{x = 0}^{M-1}{ \sum_{y = 0}^{N-1} {x^p y^q f(x,y)} } \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{itemize} \item $p = 0, 1, 2, ...$ \item $q = 0, 1, 2, ...$ \end{itemize} \end{alertblock} } \frame { \frametitle{Moments} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{alertblock}{Central Moments of order \textbf{(p + q) }} \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber \mu_{pq} &= \sum_{x = 0}^{M-1}{ \sum_{y = 0}^{N-1} {(x - \bar{x})^p (y - \bar{y})^q f(x,y)} } \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{itemize} \item $p = 0, 1, 2, ...$ \item $q = 0, 1, 2, ...$ \end{itemize} \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nonumber \bar{x} &= \frac{m_{10} }{m_{00}} \\ \bar{y} &= \frac{m_{01} }{m_{00}} \end{split} \end{equation} \end{alertblock} } \frame { \frametitle{Moments} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{alertblock}{Set of 7 moments} \begin{itemize} \item \textcolor{blue}{See textbook on pp.863} \item These moments are invariant to translation, rotation, scaling and mirroring \end{itemize} \end{alertblock} } \frame { \frametitle{Moments - Demonstration} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=10cm]{moment_1.png} \end{figure} } \frame { \frametitle{Moments - Demonstration} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{figure}[!h] \includegraphics[width=10cm]{moment_2.png} \end{figure} \begin{itemize} \item Note: The value of moments just \alert{\textbf{change slightly}} with rotation, scalling, translation, and mirroring. \end{itemize} } \section{Principal Components for Description} \subsection{Principal Components} \frame { \frametitle{Principal Components} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{block}{Inputs} \begin{enumerate} \item A set $X$ of $K$ vectors, each has size of $n \times 1$ \end{enumerate} \begin{equation} \nonumber \begin{split} \text{\textbf{x}}_k &= \left[ \begin{array}{c} x_1 \\ x_2 \\ .\\ .\\ x_n \end{array} \right] \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{x} : an \alert{observation} (measurement) for $n$ \alert{variables} (features). \item The variables can be width, height, length, or any other extracted features. \item \textbf{x}: can be thought as \alert{a point in n-dimension space}. \end{itemize} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Principal Components} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{block}{Basic Ideas} \begin{itemize} \item Components or variables in vectors of $X$ are correlated or uncorrelated. \vskip 2em \item Principal Component Analysis (PCA) will propose a \textbf{transforms}. When we apply this transforms for each vector in $X$, we obtain a new set of vectors that their variables (or components) are \textbf{ uncorrelated}. \end{itemize} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Principal Components} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{block}{Steps} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{0} \item Compute the mean vector of $X$ \end{enumerate} \begin{equation} \nonumber \begin{split} \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}} &= E\{\text{\textbf{x}}\}\\ &\approx \frac{1}{K} \sum_{k=1}^{K}{\text{\textbf{x}}_k} \end{split} \end{equation} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Principal Components} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{block}{Steps} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{1} \item Compute the variance-covariance matrix (called covariance matrix) of $X$ \end{enumerate} \begin{equation} \nonumber \begin{split} \text{\textbf{C}}_\text{\textbf{x}} &= E\{ (\text{\textbf{x}} - \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}})(\text{\textbf{x}} - \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}})^T \}\\ &\approx \frac{1}{K} \sum_{k=1}^{K}{ \text{\textbf{x}}_k \text{\textbf{x}}_k^T } - \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}} \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}}^T \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{itemize} \item $\text{\textbf{C}}_\text{\textbf{x}}$: real and symmetric matrix \end{itemize} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Principal Components} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{block}{Meaning of the mean vector and the covariance matrix} \begin{itemize} \item \alert{\textbf{Mean vector}}: \begin{itemize} \item A vector that contains the mean value for each component (variable) \item The centroid of the shape, if vectors are points in space. \end{itemize} \item \alert{\textbf{Covariance matrix}}: \begin{itemize} \item Elements on diagonal: The variance of components \item Elements off-diagonal: The covariance between component x and component y. These covariances are either negative or positive. \begin{itemize} \item Positive covariance: Large value on component x tends to occur with large value on component y. Small value on component x tends to occur with small value on component y \item Negative covariance: Large value on component x tends to occur with small value on component y and vice versa. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Principal Components} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{block}{Steps} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{2} \item Calculate eigenvectors and eigenvalues of $\text{\textbf{C}}_\text{\textbf{x}} $ \end{enumerate} Let $\text{\textbf{e}}_i $ and $\lambda_i $ be the eigenvectors and corresponding eigenvalues of $\text{\textbf{C}}_\text{\textbf{x}} $, for $i = 1, 2, .., n$ \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Principal Components} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{block}{Steps} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{3} \item Form transforms matrix $\text{\textbf{A}} $ as follows: \begin{itemize} \item Matrix $\text{\textbf{A}} $ has size of $n \times n$ \item Eigenvectors are put to \alert{rows} of $\text{\textbf{A}} $ sin such a way that their corresponding eigenvalues are in descending-order from the first row to the last row in matrix $\text{\textbf{A}} $ \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{block} \begin{alertblock}{Transforms Matrix's Properties} \begin{itemize} \item $\text{\textbf{A}} $ is an orthogonal matrix, so \item $\text{\textbf{A}} = \text{\textbf{A}}^T$ \end{itemize} \end{alertblock} } \frame { \frametitle{Principal Components} \selectlanguage{english} \large $\text{\textbf{A}} $ is used to transform input vectors in $X$ to principal components \begin{block}{Steps} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{4} \item Perform the transformation \end{enumerate} \begin{equation} \nonumber \begin{split} \text{\textbf{y}} &= \text{\textbf{A}} (\text{\textbf{x}} - \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}}) \end{split} \end{equation} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Principal Components} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{alertblock}{Properties of set of vector \textbf{y}} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{0} \item The mean vector of \textbf{y} is vector \textbf{0} \end{enumerate} \begin{equation} \nonumber \begin{split} \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{y}} &= E\{\text{\textbf{y}}\} \\ &= \text{\textbf{0}} \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{1} \item Variables of \textbf{y} are uncorrelated $\equiv$ Covariance matrix of vectors \textbf{y} has all elements zeros, accept ones on diagonal. \end{enumerate} \begin{equation} \nonumber \begin{split} \text{\textbf{C}}_\text{\textbf{y}} &= \text{\textbf{A}} \text{\textbf{C}}_\text{\textbf{x}}\text{\textbf{A}}^T \\ &= \left[ \begin{array}{ccccc} \lambda_1 & 0 & 0 &.. & 0\\ 0 & \lambda_2 & 0 & .. & 0\\ 0 & 0 & \lambda_3 & .. & 0\\ &&&&\\ 0 & .. & & 0& \lambda_n \end{array} \right] \end{split} \end{equation} \end{alertblock} } \frame { \frametitle{Principal Components} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{block}{Reconstruction \textbf{x} from \textbf{y} - \alert{\textbf{perfect reconstruction}} } \begin{equation} \nonumber \begin{split} \text{\textbf{x}} &= \text{\textbf{A}}^T\text{\textbf{y}} + \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}} \end{split} \end{equation} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Principal Components} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{itemize} \item $\text{\textbf{A}}_k$: created from $\text{\textbf{A}}$ by keeping the first $k$ rows \begin{itemize} \item $\Rightarrow$ $\text{\textbf{A}}_k$ has size: $k \times n$ \item $\Rightarrow$ $\text{\textbf{A}}_k^T$ has size: $n \times k$ \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \begin{block}{Reconstruction \textbf{x} from \textbf{y} - \alert{\textbf{Approximation}} } \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{0} \item Keep $k$ important components of \textbf{y}: \end{enumerate} \begin{equation} \nonumber \begin{split} \text{\textbf{y}} &= \text{\textbf{A}}_k (\text{\textbf{x}} - \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}}) \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{1} \item Reconstruct \textbf{x} from \textbf{y}: \end{enumerate} \begin{equation} \nonumber \begin{split} \hat{\text{\textbf{x}} } &= \text{\textbf{A}}_k^T\text{\textbf{y}} + \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}} \end{split} \end{equation} \end{block} \begin{itemize} \item $\Rightarrow$ \textbf{y} has size: $k \times 1$ \item $\Rightarrow$ \textbf{$\hat{\text{\textbf{x}}}$} has size: $n \times 1$ \item \alert{\textbf{$\hat{\text{\textbf{x}}}$} is an approximation of \textbf{x} using the first $k$ important components.} \end{itemize} } \frame { \frametitle{Principal Components: Applications} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{block}{Dimension reduction } \begin{equation} \nonumber \begin{split} \text{\textbf{y}} &= \text{\textbf{A}}_k (\text{\textbf{x}} - \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}}) \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{enumerate} \item The first $k$ important component can be used as descriptor, so \item Number of dimensions are reduced from $n$ down to $k$ \begin{itemize} \item Size of input \textbf{x}: $n$ \item Size of output \textbf{y}: $k$ \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{block} } \frame { \frametitle{Principal Components: Applications} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=10cm]{pca_1.png} \end{figure} } \frame { \frametitle{Principal Components: Applications} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=10cm]{pca_2.png} \end{figure} } \frame { \frametitle{Principal Components: Applications} \selectlanguage{english} \large \begin{equation} \nonumber \begin{split} \text{\textbf{y}} &= \text{\textbf{A}} (\text{\textbf{x}} - \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}}) \end{split} \end{equation} \begin{alertblock}{Properties of \textbf{y} } Transformed features \textbf{y} has the following advantages compared to \textbf{x}: \begin{enumerate} \item Invariant to translation and rotation \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{y} has been shifted to the centroid by $\text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}}$ \item \textbf{y} has been aligned with principal directions (eigenvectors) \end{itemize} \item Invariant to scaling can be achieved by dividing \textbf{y} for eigenvalues. \end{enumerate} \end{alertblock} } \frame { \frametitle{Principal Components: Applications} \selectlanguage{english} \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=10cm]{pca_3.png} \end{figure} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \end{document}