lpus-driver/KMDF Driver2/Driver.cpp

344 lines
14 KiB

#include <ntddk.h>
#include <wdf.h>
#include <ntdef.h>
#include "sioctl.h"
#include "Driver.h"
// #include "peformat.h"
extern "C" DRIVER_INITIALIZE DriverEntry;
extern "C" DRIVER_UNLOAD UnloadRoutine;
// extern "C" PDBGKD_GET_VERSION64 FindKdVersionBlock(void);
#define NT_DEVICE_NAME L"\\Device\\poolscanner"
#define DOS_DEVICE_NAME L"\\DosDevices\\poolscanner"
#define F_DbgPrint(...) \
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: ");\
#define POOL_HEADER_SIZE 0x10 // windows 10
#define CHUNK_SIZE 16 // 64 bit
// #define PAGE_SIZE 4096 // 4KB
_In_ PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject,
_In_ PUNICODE_STRING /* RegistryPath */
) {
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [ ] Hello from Kernel, setup a few things\n");
UNICODE_STRING ntUnicodeString;
UNICODE_STRING ntWin32NameString;
PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject = nullptr;
DriverObject->DriverUnload = UnloadRoutine;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ntUnicodeString, NT_DEVICE_NAME);
returnStatus = IoCreateDevice(
DriverObject, // Our Driver Object
0, // We don't use a device extension
&ntUnicodeString, // Device name "\Device\poolscanner"
FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN, // Device characteristics
FALSE, // Not an exclusive device
&deviceObject); // Returned ptr to Device Object
if (!NT_SUCCESS(returnStatus)) {
DbgPrint(("[NAK] :: [-] Couldn't create the device object\n"));
return returnStatus;
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [+] Setup completed, GO GO GO !!!!\n");
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ntWin32NameString, DOS_DEVICE_NAME);
returnStatus = IoCreateSymbolicLink(&ntWin32NameString, &ntUnicodeString);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(returnStatus)) {
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [-] Couldn't create symbolic link for driver\n");
OSVERSIONINFOW windowsVersionInfo;
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [ ] Windows version : %lu.%lu.%lu\n",
windowsVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion, windowsVersionInfo.dwMinorVersion, windowsVersionInfo.dwBuildNumber);
if (windowsVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion != 10) {
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [-] Windows version outside 10 is not supported yet!");
return returnStatus;
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_10_version_history
// TODO: automatically get from parsed PDB file
ULONG64 eprocessNameOffset = 0;
ULONG64 eprocessLinkOffset = 0;
ULONG64 listBLinkOffset = 0;
ULONG64 processHeadOffset = 0;
ULONG64 miStateOffset = 0;
ULONG64 hardwareOffset = 0;
ULONG64 systemNodeOffset = 0;
ULONG64 firstVaOffset = 0;
ULONG64 lastVaOffset = 0;
// setup offset
if (windowsVersionInfo.dwBuildNumber == 17134 || windowsVersionInfo.dwBuildNumber == 17763) {
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [ ] Detected windows : 2018\n");
windowsVersionByPool = WINDOWS_2018;
else if (windowsVersionInfo.dwBuildNumber == 18362 || windowsVersionInfo.dwBuildNumber == 18363) {
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [ ] Detected windows : 2019\n");
windowsVersionByPool = WINDOWS_2019;
else if (windowsVersionInfo.dwBuildNumber == 19041) {
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [ ] Detected windows : 2020\n");
windowsVersionByPool = WINDOWS_2020;
else if (windowsVersionInfo.dwBuildNumber >= 19536) {
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [ ] Detected windows : 2020 Fast Ring\n");
windowsVersionByPool = WINDOWS_2020_FASTRING;
eprocessNameOffset = 0x5a8;
eprocessLinkOffset = 0x448;
listBLinkOffset = 0x8;
processHeadOffset = 0xc1f970;
miStateOffset = 0xc4f200;
hardwareOffset = 0x1580;
systemNodeOffset = 0x20;
firstVaOffset = 0x60;
lastVaOffset = 0x68;
if (windowsVersionByPool == WINDOWS_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [-] Windows 10 with this build number is not supported yet!");
return returnStatus;
* Try to find `MmNonPagedPoolStart` and `MmNonPagedPoolEnd`
* https://web.archive.org/web/20061110120809/http://www.rootkit.com/newsread.php?newsid=153
* KPCR->KdVersionBlock->Debugger Data List Entry->Flink
* This technique is old and cannot be used in Windows 10, Windows 7/8 may fail too,
* After research, the result is summary into this README
* https://github.com/nganhkhoa/pdb_for_nonpagedpool
* Basically, find ntoskrnl.exe module address (kernel base) in memory and use offsets parsed from PDB file,
* Finding the kernel base by shellcode is not usable in Windows 2020 Insider Preview,
* I use IoGetCurrentProcess and traverse the ActiveProcessLinks linked list,
* Luckily, the process returned by IoGetCurrentProcess is System (the first process), so the BLINK is nt!PsActiveProcessHead
* With offset of nt!PsActiveProcessHead parsed from PDB file, we can get the kernel base by subtracting.
* Then offset to find NonPagedPool{First,Last}Va
* In Windows 10, we must use nt!MiState and look into Hardware->NodeInfo,
* there is a slightly different layout/offset to each version of Windows by year?
* 2015 -> 2016 -> 2018 -> 2019 -> 2020 all have a slight (or big) different
// TODO: Exception?????
PVOID eprocess = (PVOID)IoGetCurrentProcess();
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [ ] eprocess : 0x%p, [%15s]\n", eprocess, (char*)((ULONG64)eprocess + eprocessNameOffset));
PVOID processHead = (PVOID)(*(ULONG64*)((ULONG64)eprocess + eprocessLinkOffset + listBLinkOffset));
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [ ] PsActiveProcessHead : 0x%p\n", processHead);
PVOID ntosbase = (PVOID)((ULONG64)processHead - processHeadOffset);
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [ ] ntoskrnl.exe : 0x%p\n", ntosbase);
// TODO: Check if ntosbase is a PE, and the name is ntoskrnl.exe
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/4316804
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/47898643
// https://github.com/Reetus/RazorRE/blob/42f441093bd85443b39fcff5d2a02069b524b114/Crypt/Misc.cpp#L63
// if (ntosbase->e_magic == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) {
// DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [ ] DOS Signature (MZ) Matched \n");
// const PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 peHeader = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32) ((unsigned char*)ntosbase+ntosbase->e_lfanew);
// if(peHeader->Signature == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) {
// DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [ ] PE Signature (PE) Matched \n");
// // yeah we really got ntoskrnl.exe base
// }
// }
* In Windows 10 Insider Preview Feb 2020, the global debug is MiState, try this in windbg and see
* `x nt!MiState` to get address of MiState
* `dt _MI_SYSTEM_INFORMATION` to get offset to Hardware
* `dt _MI_HARDWARE_STATE` to get offset to SystemNodeNonPagedPool
* with those offset, use the following command to list the NonPagedPool{First,Last}Va
* Sample output
* +0x000 DynamicBitMapNonPagedPool : _MI_DYNAMIC_BITMAP
* +0x048 CachedNonPagedPoolCount : 0
* +0x050 NonPagedPoolSpinLock : 0
* +0x058 CachedNonPagedPool : (null)
* +0x060 NonPagedPoolFirstVa : 0xffffe580`00000000 Void
* +0x068 NonPagedPoolLastVa : 0xfffff580`00000000 Void
* +0x070 SystemNodeInformation : 0xffffe58f`9283b050 _MI_SYSTEM_NODE_INFORMATION
PVOID miState = (PVOID)((ULONG64)ntosbase + miStateOffset);
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [ ] nt!MiState : 0x%p\n", miState);
PVOID systemNonPageInfo = nullptr;
ULONG64 nonPagedPoolStart = 0;
ULONG64 nonPagedPoolEnd = 0;
// use defined formula by windows build number to get those two values
switch (windowsVersionByPool) {
systemNonPageInfo = (PVOID)*(ULONG64*)((ULONG64)miState + hardwareOffset + systemNodeOffset);
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [ ] &systemNonPageInfo : 0x%p\n", systemNonPageInfo);
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [ ] &NonPagedPoolFirstVa : 0x%p\n", (ULONG64*)((ULONG64)systemNonPageInfo + firstVaOffset));
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [ ] &NonPagedPoolLastVa : 0x%p\n", (ULONG64*)((ULONG64)systemNonPageInfo + lastVaOffset));
nonPagedPoolStart = *(ULONG64*)((ULONG64)systemNonPageInfo + firstVaOffset);
nonPagedPoolEnd = *(ULONG64*)((ULONG64)systemNonPageInfo + lastVaOffset);
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [+] nonPagedPoolStart : 0x%llx\n", nonPagedPoolStart);
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [+] nonPagedPoolEnd : 0x%llx\n", nonPagedPoolEnd);
scan(nonPagedPoolStart, nonPagedPoolEnd);
return returnStatus;
UnloadRoutine(_In_ PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject) {
PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject = DriverObject->DeviceObject;
UNICODE_STRING uniWin32NameString;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&uniWin32NameString, DOS_DEVICE_NAME);
if (deviceObject != nullptr) {
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [+] Goodbye from Kernel\n");
toPoolHeader(PPOOL_HEADER p, PVOID chunkAddr) {
p->addr = chunkAddr;
p->prevBlockSize = *(USHORT*)((ULONG64) chunkAddr + 0x0) & 0xff;
p->poolIndex = *(USHORT*)((ULONG64) chunkAddr + 0x0) >> 8;
p->blockSize = *(USHORT*)((ULONG64) chunkAddr + 0x2) & 0xff;
p->poolType = *(USHORT*)((ULONG64) chunkAddr + 0x2) >> 8;
p->tag = *(ULONG*)((ULONG64) chunkAddr + 0x4);
tryNextChunk(PPOOL_HEADER p) {
toPoolHeader(p, (PVOID)((ULONG64)p->addr + CHUNK_SIZE));
validTag(PPOOL_HEADER p) {
// I know the compiler will optimize for me, so meeh :)
const char a = (char)(p->tag & 0xff);
const char b = (char)((p->tag & 0xff00) >> 8);
const char c = (char)((p->tag & 0xff0000) >> 16);
const char d = (char)(p->tag >> 24);
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/ddi/wdm/nf-wdm-exallocatepoolwithtag
// > Each ASCII character in the tag must be a value in the range 0x20 (space) to 0x7E (tilde)
if (!(a >= 0x20 && a <= 0x7e) ||
!(b >= 0x20 && b <= 0x7e) ||
!(c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7e) ||
!(d >= 0x20 && d <= 0x7e))
return false;
return true;
checkValidPool(PPOOL_HEADER /* p */) {
// https://subs.emis.de/LNI/Proceedings/Proceedings97/GI-Proceedings-97-9.pdf
// long long int offsetInPage = (long long int)p->addr % PAGE_SIZE; // OffsetInPage = addr % pagesize
// (offsetInPage % CHUNK_SIZE == 0) && // rule 1
// (p->blockSize > 0) && // rule 2
// (p->blockSize * CHUNK_SIZE + offsetInPage == PAGE_SIZE) && // rule 3
// (p->prevBlockSize * CHUNK_SIZE <= offsetInPage) // rule 5
return true;
printChunkInfo(PPOOL_HEADER p) {
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [+] ==== PoolStart 0x%p ====\n", p->addr);
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [|] \tPreviousSize : 0x%x\n", p->prevBlockSize);
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [|] \tPoolIndex : 0x%x\n", p->poolIndex);
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [|] \tBlockSize : 0x%x\n", p->blockSize * CHUNK_SIZE);
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [|] \tPoolType : 0x%x\n", p->poolType);
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [|] \tPoolTag : 0x%lx [%c%c%c%c]\n", p->tag, p->tag, p->tag >> 8, p->tag >> 16, p->tag >> 24);
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [+] ==== PoolEnd 0x%p ====\n", p->addr);
scan(ULONG64 nonPagedPoolStart, ULONG64 nonPagedPoolEnd) {
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [+] Scanning\n");
* The name nonpaged pool is quite misunderstanding,
* the correct definition of a nonpaged pool is a pool which remains on the nonpaged region
* nonpaged region is a range of address inside the kernel virtual address that has
* a correspoding page in the physical memory (RAM)
* Which is, if there is a **valid** page in nonpaged pool, there is a correspoding page in RAM
* The OS will allocate a page in this nonpaged region with a page in RAM when a new page
* is requested to be nonpaged and there is no space left in current allocated nonpaged region.
* That is, if the address lies in the nonpaged region but is not allocated yet to have a
* backed paged on RAM, then a bug check will occur. The name is `PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA`
const ULONG64 headerSize = 0x10;
PVOID currentAddr = (PVOID)(nonPagedPoolStart);
while (true) {
if ((ULONG64)currentAddr >= nonPagedPoolEnd)
* BOOLEAN MmIsAddressValid(PVOID)
* Warning We do not recommend using this function.
* If no page fault would occur from reading or writing at the given virtual address,
* MmIsAddressValid returns TRUE.
* Even if MmIsAddressValid returns TRUE, accessing the address can cause page faults
* unless the memory has been locked down or the address **is a valid nonpaged pool address**.
* Well, we got a nonpaged pool address, so it is good
if (!MmIsAddressValid(currentAddr)) {
// Because a chunk pool reside on a page, so we check on page alignment
currentAddr = (PVOID)((ULONG64)currentAddr + PAGE_SIZE);
// TODO: perform scan in one page, use BlockSize/PreviousBlockSize
toPoolHeader(&p, (PVOID)currentAddr);
currentAddr = (PVOID)((ULONG64)currentAddr + headerSize);
if (p.tag == 0) continue;
if (!validTag(&p)) continue;
if (p.tag != 'Proc' && p.tag != 'corP')
// TODO: Parse data as _EPROCESS
// The first Proc found seems to be the EPROCESS from IoGetCurrentProcess
// But it was offset 0x40
DbgPrint("[NAK] :: [+] Finish scanning");