from tinytag import TinyTag import os # from functools import reduce import pprint from binascii import b2a_hex class CommandExecutioner: def __init__(self, kwargs): self.options = kwargs def work(self): pass def scan(self): """ set self.files to be a list of files element in list are in full path """ self.files = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.source): print("[+] Scan {}".format(root)) dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if not d.startswith('.')] for folder in dirs: folder = os.path.join(root, folder) for f in files: self.files.append(os.path.join(root, f)) def _scan(self): """ deprecated """ # files to work on # scan all files and store whole path on here self.files = [] folder_queue = [self.source] home_path_len = len(folder_queue[0]) while (len(folder_queue) > 0): current_folder = folder_queue[0] folder_queue = folder_queue[1:] if len(current_folder[home_path_len:]) == 0: print("[+] Scan /") else: print("[+] Scan {}".format(current_folder[home_path_len:])) self.files += list( filter( lambda x: os.path.isfile(x), os.listdir(current_folder)) ) for f in self.files: f = current_folder + '/' + f folders = list( filter( lambda x: os.path.isdir(x) and x[0] != '.', os.listdir(current_folder))) for folder in folders: folder_queue.append(current_folder + '/' + folder) def makedict(self): """ from list of files to dictionary of file by attribute specified """ = {} for f in self.files: try: tag = TinyTag.get(f) except LookupError: # not a music file continue except BaseException: print("Cannot get tag from file --> Skip\n\t{}".format(f)) continue tag = getattr(tag, self.attribute) if tag in[tag].append(f) else:[tag] = [][tag].append(f) class CommandSort(CommandExecutioner): def __init__(self, kwargs): super().__init__(kwargs) self.source = kwargs['source'] self.destination = kwargs['destination'] self.attribute = kwargs['attribute'] def work(self): self.scan() self.makedict() pprint.pprint( self.sort() def sort(self): # key is now the name of the folder for folder_name, tracks in # print(folder_name) # continue if folder_name is None: # file attribute is None folder = "Undefined" elif folder_name == '': # file attribute is empty string folder = "Undefined" else: folder = folder_name # because folder is taken from file tags # some tags could have '/' in it # which is not acceptable as a file name in linux # folder = folder.replace('/', '-') # print(self.destination) folder = self.destination + '/' + folder if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) print("========================================") print("Album: {}".format(folder_name)) print("Folder: {}".format(folder)) # continue for track in tracks: new_file = folder + '/' + os.path.basename(track) if track == new_file: # after sort, stay the same continue if os.path.exists(new_file): pass else: print("[+] Replace\n\t{}\n\t{}".format(track, new_file)) # uncomment when you are ready # os.rename(track, new_file) pass return class CommandPlaylist(CommandExecutioner): def __init__(self, kwargs): super().__init__(kwargs) self.source = kwargs['source'] self.destination = kwargs['destination'] self.attribute = kwargs['attribute'] self.playlist = kwargs['playlist'] def work(self): self.scan() self.makedict() print("Create playlist {}".format(self.playlist)) playlist = open(self.playlist, 'w') playlist.write('#EXTM3U\n') for key, musics in for music in musics: tag = TinyTag.get(music) if tag.artist is None: tag.artist = '' if tag.title is None: tag.title = '' tag.duration = int(tag.duration) # write comment playlist.write('#EXTINF:{},{} - {}\n' .format( tag.duration, tag.artist, tag.title)) # write file direction music = encode_to_hex(music) playlist.write('file://{}\n'.format(music)) print("{} created".format(self.playlist)) def encode_to_hex(string): """ change special char to hex """ chars = list(string) for i in range(len(string)): hex_c = ord(chars[i]) if hex_c >= ord('!') and hex_c <= ord('~'): # skip ascii characters # be aware of special ascii!!! continue elif hex_c == ord(' '): chars[i] = '%20' else: # not ascii change to hex u = b2a_hex(chars[i].encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') u = list(u) for j in range(len(u)): u[j] = u[j].upper() if j % 2 != 0: continue u[j] = '%' + u[j] chars[i] = "".join(u) string = "".join(chars) return string