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module Route.Blog exposing (ActionData, Data, Model, Msg, route)
import Article
import BackendTask exposing (BackendTask)
import Date exposing (Date)
import FatalError exposing (FatalError)
import Head
import Head.Seo as Seo
import Html.Styled exposing (..)
2024-06-16 02:13:12 +07:00
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (style, class)
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
import Json.Decode.Extra
import Pages.Url
import PagesMsg exposing (PagesMsg)
import Route exposing (Route)
import RouteBuilder exposing (App, StatelessRoute)
import Shared
import View exposing (View)
import Link
import Markdown.Block
import Markdown.Renderer
import MarkdownCodec
import TailwindMarkdownRenderer
import Tailwind.Utilities as Tw
type alias Model =
type alias Msg =
type alias RouteParams =
route : StatelessRoute RouteParams Data ActionData
route =
{ head = head
, data = data
|> RouteBuilder.buildNoState { view = view }
type alias Data =
List (Route, Article.ArticleMetadata)
type alias ActionData =
data : BackendTask FatalError Data
data =
|> BackendTask.allowFatal
head :
App Data ActionData RouteParams
-> List Head.Tag
head app =
{ canonicalUrlOverride = Nothing
2023-11-06 00:20:32 +07:00
, siteName = "nganhkhoa blogs"
, image =
2023-11-06 00:20:32 +07:00
{ url = Pages.Url.external ""
, alt = "nganhkhoa blogs"
, dimensions = Nothing
, mimeType = Nothing
2023-11-06 00:20:32 +07:00
, description = "blogs"
, locale = Nothing
2023-11-06 00:20:32 +07:00
, title = "nganhkhoa blogs"
view :
App Data ActionData RouteParams
-> Shared.Model
-> View msg
view app shared =
2023-11-06 00:20:32 +07:00
{ title = "nganhkhoa blogs"
2023-12-10 03:59:01 +07:00
, body =
2024-06-16 02:13:12 +07:00
[ section
2023-12-17 04:04:06 +07:00
[ style "margin-top" "10px" ]
2024-06-16 02:13:12 +07:00
[ p []
[ text "A share of my writings, many of them I wrote when I was still in university and not technically good. I also wrote a"
, text " "
, (Link.internal (Route.Osx__Slug_ { slug = "" })) [] [ text "series" ]
, text " "
, text "about the Mach-O binary format, used in Apple devices." ]
, div [] ( |> renderBlogItem)
2023-12-10 03:59:01 +07:00
renderBlogItem : (Route, Article.ArticleMetadata) -> Html msg
renderBlogItem (route_, article) =
2024-06-16 02:13:12 +07:00
div []
[ (Link.internal route_) [ style "text-decoration" "none" ]
[ ul
[ li []
[ h3 [] [ text article.title ]
, p [] [ text article.subtitle ]
2024-01-29 23:35:05 +07:00
2024-06-16 02:13:12 +07:00
-- , span [ class "marginnote", style "margin-right" "0" ] [ text (Date.toIsoString article.published) ]