2018-04-21 12:02:03 +08:00

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6.1.16 pwn HITBCTF2017 1000levels



$ file 1000levels 
1000levels: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=d0381dfa29216ed7d765936155bbaa3f9501283a, not stripped
$ checksec -f 1000levels
RELRO           STACK CANARY      NX            PIE             RPATH      RUNPATH      FORTIFY Fortified Fortifiable  FILE
Partial RELRO   No canary found   NX enabled    PIE enabled     No RPATH   No RUNPATH   No      0               6       1000levels
$ strings libc.so.6 | grep "GNU C"
GNU C Library (Ubuntu GLIBC 2.23-0ubuntu9) stable release version 2.23, by Roland McGrath et al.
Compiled by GNU CC version 5.4.0 20160609.

关闭了 Canary开启 NX 和 PIE。于是猜测可能是栈溢出但需要绕过 ASLR。not stripped 可以说是很开心了。


$ ./1000levels
Welcome to 1000levels, it's much more diffcult than before.
1. Go
2. Hint
3. Give up
How many levels?
Any more?
Let's go!'
Level 1
Question: 0 * 0 = ? Answer:0
Great job! You finished 1 levels in 1 seconds

Go 的功能看起来就是让你先输入一个数,然后再输入一个数,两个数相加作为 levels然后让你做算术。

但是很奇怪的是,如果你使用了 Hint 功能,然后第一个数输入了 0 的时候,无论第二个数是多少,仿佛都会出现无限多的 levels

$ ./1000levels
Welcome to 1000levels, it's much more diffcult than before.
1. Go
2. Hint
3. Give up
1. Go
2. Hint
3. Give up
How many levels?
Any more?
More levels than before!
Let's go!'
Level 1
Question: 0 * 0 = ? Answer:0
Level 2
Question: 1 * 1 = ? Answer:1
Level 3
Question: 1 * 1 = ? Answer:1
Level 4
Question: 3 * 1 = ? Answer:

所以应该重点关注一下 Hint 功能。


程序比较简单,基本上只有 Go 和 Hint 两个功能。


[0x000009d0]> pdf @ sym.go 
/ (fcn) sym.go 372
|   sym.go ();
|           ; var int local_120h @ rbp-0x120
|           ; var int local_118h @ rbp-0x118
|           ; var int local_114h @ rbp-0x114
|           ; var int local_110h @ rbp-0x110
|           ; var int local_108h @ rbp-0x108
|           ; CALL XREF from 0x00000f9f (main)
|           0x00000b7c      push rbp
|           0x00000b7d      mov rbp, rsp
|           0x00000b80      sub rsp, 0x120
|           0x00000b87      lea rdi, str.How_many_levels               ; 0x1094 ; "How many levels?"
|           0x00000b8e      call sym.imp.puts                          ; int puts(const char *s)
|           0x00000b93      call sym.read_num                          ; ssize_t read(int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte)
|           0x00000b98      mov qword [local_120h], rax                 ; 将第一个数放进 local_120h
|           0x00000b9f      mov rax, qword [local_120h]
|           0x00000ba6      test rax, rax
|       ,=< 0x00000ba9      jg 0xbb9
|       |   0x00000bab      lea rdi, str.Coward                        ; 0x10a5 ; "Coward"
|       |   0x00000bb2      call sym.imp.puts                          ; int puts(const char *s)
|      ,==< 0x00000bb7      jmp 0xbc7
|      ||   ; JMP XREF from 0x00000ba9 (sym.go)
|      |`-> 0x00000bb9      mov rax, qword [local_120h]
|      |    0x00000bc0      mov qword [local_110h], rax
|      |    ; JMP XREF from 0x00000bb7 (sym.go)
|      `--> 0x00000bc7      lea rdi, str.Any_more                      ; 0x10ac ; "Any more?"
|           0x00000bce      call sym.imp.puts                          ; int puts(const char *s)
|           0x00000bd3      call sym.read_num                          ; ssize_t read(int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte)
|           0x00000bd8      mov qword [local_120h], rax
|           0x00000bdf      mov rdx, qword [local_110h]
|           0x00000be6      mov rax, qword [local_120h]
|           0x00000bed      add rax, rdx                               ; '('
|           0x00000bf0      mov qword [local_110h], rax
|           0x00000bf7      mov rax, qword [local_110h]
|           0x00000bfe      test rax, rax
|       ,=< 0x00000c01      jg 0xc14
|       |   0x00000c03      lea rdi, str.Coward                        ; 0x10a5 ; "Coward"
|       |   0x00000c0a      call sym.imp.puts                          ; int puts(const char *s)
|      ,==< 0x00000c0f      jmp 0xcee
|      |`-> 0x00000c14      mov rax, qword [local_110h]
|      |    0x00000c1b      cmp rax, 0x3e7
|      |,=< 0x00000c21      jle 0xc3c
|      ||   0x00000c23      lea rdi, str.More_levels_than_before       ; 0x10b6 ; "More levels than before!"
|      ||   0x00000c2a      call sym.imp.puts                          ; int puts(const char *s)
|      ||   0x00000c2f      mov qword [local_108h], 0x3e8
|     ,===< 0x00000c3a      jmp 0xc4a
|     |||   ; JMP XREF from 0x00000c21 (sym.go)
|     ||`-> 0x00000c3c      mov rax, qword [local_110h]
|     ||    0x00000c43      mov qword [local_108h], rax
|     ||    ; JMP XREF from 0x00000c3a (sym.go)
|     `---> 0x00000c4a      lea rdi, str.Let_s_go                      ; 0x10cf ; "Let's go!'"
|      |    0x00000c51      call sym.imp.puts                          ; int puts(const char *s)
|      |    0x00000c56      mov edi, 0
|      |    0x00000c5b      call sym.imp.time                          ; time_t time(time_t *timer)
|      |    0x00000c60      mov dword [local_118h], eax
|      |    0x00000c66      mov rax, qword [local_108h]
|      |    0x00000c6d      mov edi, eax
|      |    0x00000c6f      call sym.level_int                          ; 进入计算题游戏
|      |    0x00000c74      test eax, eax
|      |    0x00000c76      setne al
|      |    0x00000c79      test al, al
|      |,=< 0x00000c7b      je 0xcd8
|      ||   0x00000c7d      mov edi, 0
|      ||   0x00000c82      call sym.imp.time                          ; time_t time(time_t *timer)
|      ||   0x00000c87      mov dword [local_114h], eax
|      ||   0x00000c8d      mov edx, dword [local_114h]
|      ||   0x00000c93      mov eax, dword [local_118h]
|      ||   0x00000c99      sub edx, eax
|      ||   0x00000c9b      mov rax, qword [local_108h]
|      ||   0x00000ca2      lea rcx, [local_120h]
|      ||   0x00000ca9      lea rdi, [rcx + 0x20]                      ; "@"
|      ||   0x00000cad      mov ecx, edx
|      ||   0x00000caf      mov rdx, rax
|      ||   0x00000cb2      lea rsi, str.Great_job__You_finished__d_levels_in__d_seconds ; 0x10e0 ; "Great job! You finished %d levels in %d seconds\n"
|      ||   0x00000cb9      mov eax, 0
|      ||   0x00000cbe      call sym.imp.sprintf                       ; int sprintf(char *s,
|      ||   0x00000cc3      lea rax, [local_120h]
|      ||   0x00000cca      add rax, 0x20
|      ||   0x00000cce      mov rdi, rax
|      ||   0x00000cd1      call sym.imp.puts                          ; int puts(const char *s)
|     ,===< 0x00000cd6      jmp 0xce4
|     |||   ; JMP XREF from 0x00000c7b (sym.go)
|     ||`-> 0x00000cd8      lea rdi, str.You_failed.                   ; 0x1111 ; "You failed."
|     ||    0x00000cdf      call sym.imp.puts                          ; int puts(const char *s)
|     ||    ; JMP XREF from 0x00000cd6 (sym.go)
|     `---> 0x00000ce4      mov edi, 0
|      |    0x00000ce9      call sym.imp.exit                          ; void exit(int status)
|      |    ; JMP XREF from 0x00000c0f (sym.go)
|      `--> 0x00000cee      leave
\           0x00000cef      ret

计算题游戏的函数 sym.level_int() 如下:

[0x000009d0]> pdf @ sym.level_int 
/ (fcn) sym.level_int 289
|   sym.level_int ();
|           ; var int local_34h @ rbp-0x34
|           ; var int local_30h @ rbp-0x30
|           ; var int local_28h @ rbp-0x28
|           ; var int local_20h @ rbp-0x20
|           ; var int local_18h @ rbp-0x18
|           ; var int local_10h @ rbp-0x10
|           ; var int local_ch @ rbp-0xc
|           ; var int local_8h @ rbp-0x8
|           ; var int local_4h @ rbp-0x4
|           ; CALL XREF from 0x00000c6f (sym.go)
|           ; CALL XREF from 0x00000e70 (sym.level_int)
|           0x00000e2d      push rbp
|           0x00000e2e      mov rbp, rsp
|           0x00000e31      sub rsp, 0x40                              ; '@'
|           0x00000e35      mov dword [local_34h], edi
|           0x00000e38      mov qword [local_30h], 0
|           0x00000e40      mov qword [local_28h], 0
|           0x00000e48      mov qword [local_20h], 0
|           0x00000e50      mov qword [local_18h], 0
|           0x00000e58      cmp dword [local_34h], 0
|       ,=< 0x00000e5c      jne 0xe68
|       |   0x00000e5e      mov eax, 1
|      ,==< 0x00000e63      jmp 0xf4c
|      ||   ; JMP XREF from 0x00000e5c (sym.level_int)
|      |`-> 0x00000e68      mov eax, dword [local_34h]
|      |    0x00000e6b      sub eax, 1
|      |    0x00000e6e      mov edi, eax
|      |    0x00000e70      call sym.level_int
|      |    0x00000e75      test eax, eax
|      |    0x00000e77      sete al
|      |    0x00000e7a      test al, al
|      |,=< 0x00000e7c      je 0xe88
|      ||   0x00000e7e      mov eax, 0
|     ,===< 0x00000e83      jmp 0xf4c
|     |||   ; JMP XREF from 0x00000e7c (sym.level_int)
|     ||`-> 0x00000e88      call sym.imp.rand                          ; int rand(void)
|     ||    0x00000e8d      cdq
|     ||    0x00000e8e      idiv dword [local_34h]
|     ||    0x00000e91      mov dword [local_8h], edx
|     ||    0x00000e94      call sym.imp.rand                          ; int rand(void)
|     ||    0x00000e99      cdq
|     ||    0x00000e9a      idiv dword [local_34h]
|     ||    0x00000e9d      mov dword [local_ch], edx
|     ||    0x00000ea0      mov eax, dword [local_8h]
|     ||    0x00000ea3      imul eax, dword [local_ch]
|     ||    0x00000ea7      mov dword [local_10h], eax
|     ||    0x00000eaa      lea rdi, str.                              ; 0x1160 ; "===================================================="
|     ||    0x00000eb1      call sym.imp.puts                          ; int puts(const char *s)
|     ||    0x00000eb6      mov eax, dword [local_34h]
|     ||    0x00000eb9      mov esi, eax
|     ||    0x00000ebb      lea rdi, str.Level__d                      ; 0x1195 ; "Level %d\n"
|     ||    0x00000ec2      mov eax, 0
|     ||    0x00000ec7      call sym.imp.printf                        ; int printf(const char *format)
|     ||    0x00000ecc      mov edx, dword [local_ch]
|     ||    0x00000ecf      mov eax, dword [local_8h]
|     ||    0x00000ed2      mov esi, eax
|     ||    0x00000ed4      lea rdi, str.Question:__d____d_____Answer: ; 0x119f ; "Question: %d * %d = ? Answer:"
|     ||    0x00000edb      mov eax, 0
|     ||    0x00000ee0      call sym.imp.printf                        ; int printf(const char *format)
|     ||    0x00000ee5      lea rax, [local_30h]
|     ||    0x00000ee9      mov edx, 0x400
|     ||    0x00000eee      mov rsi, rax
|     ||    0x00000ef1      mov edi, 0
|     ||    0x00000ef6      call sym.imp.read                          ; ssize_t read(int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte)
|     ||    0x00000efb      mov dword [local_4h], eax
|     ||    ; JMP XREF from 0x00000f16 (sym.level_int)
|     ||.-> 0x00000efe      mov eax, dword [local_4h]
|     ||:   0x00000f01      and eax, 7
|     ||:   0x00000f04      test eax, eax
|    ,====< 0x00000f06      je 0xf18
|    |||:   0x00000f08      mov eax, dword [local_4h]
|    |||:   0x00000f0b      cdqe
|    |||:   0x00000f0d      mov byte [rbp + rax - 0x30], 0
|    |||:   0x00000f12      add dword [local_4h], 1
|    |||`=< 0x00000f16      jmp 0xefe
|    |||    ; JMP XREF from 0x00000f06 (sym.level_int)
|    `----> 0x00000f18      lea rax, [local_30h]
|     ||    0x00000f1c      mov edx, 0xa
|     ||    0x00000f21      mov esi, 0
|     ||    0x00000f26      mov rdi, rax
|     ||    0x00000f29      call sym.imp.strtol                        ; long strtol(const char *str, char**endptr, int base)
|     ||    0x00000f2e      mov rdx, rax
|     ||    0x00000f31      mov eax, dword [local_10h]
|     ||    0x00000f34      cdqe
|     ||    0x00000f36      cmp rdx, rax
|     ||    0x00000f39      sete al
|     ||    0x00000f3c      test al, al
|     ||,=< 0x00000f3e      je 0xf47
|     |||   0x00000f40      mov eax, 1
|    ,====< 0x00000f45      jmp 0xf4c
|    ||||   ; JMP XREF from 0x00000f3e (sym.level_int)
|    |||`-> 0x00000f47      mov eax, 0
|    |||    ; JMP XREF from 0x00000f45 (sym.level_int)
|    |||    ; JMP XREF from 0x00000e83 (sym.level_int)
|    |||    ; JMP XREF from 0x00000e63 (sym.level_int)
|    ```--> 0x00000f4c      leave
\           0x00000f4d      ret


[0x000009d0]> pdf @ sym.hint 
/ (fcn) sym.hint 140
|   sym.hint ();
|           ; var int local_110h @ rbp-0x110
|           ; CALL XREF from 0x00000fa6 (main)
|           0x00000cf0      push rbp
|           0x00000cf1      mov rbp, rsp
|           0x00000cf4      sub rsp, 0x110
|           0x00000cfb      mov rax, qword [reloc.system]              ; [0x201fd0:8]=0
|           0x00000d02      mov qword [local_110h], rax
|           0x00000d09      lea rax, obj.show_hint                     ; 0x20208c
|           0x00000d10      mov eax, dword [rax]
|           0x00000d12      test eax, eax
|       ,=< 0x00000d14      je 0xd41
|       |   0x00000d16      mov rax, qword [local_110h]
|       |   0x00000d1d      lea rdx, [local_110h]
|       |   0x00000d24      lea rcx, [rdx + 8]
|       |   0x00000d28      mov rdx, rax
|       |   0x00000d2b      lea rsi, str.Hint:__p                      ; 0x111d ; "Hint: %p\n"
|       |   0x00000d32      mov rdi, rcx
|       |   0x00000d35      mov eax, 0
|       |   0x00000d3a      call sym.imp.sprintf                       ; int sprintf(char *s,
|      ,==< 0x00000d3f      jmp 0xd66
|      ||   ; JMP XREF from 0x00000d14 (sym.hint)
|      |`-> 0x00000d41      lea rax, [local_110h]
|      |    0x00000d48      add rax, 8
|      |    0x00000d4c      movabs rsi, 0x4e204e5750204f4e
|      |    0x00000d56      mov qword [rax], rsi
|      |    0x00000d59      mov dword [rax + 8], 0x5546204f            ; [0x5546204f:4]=-1
|      |    0x00000d60      mov word [rax + 0xc], 0x4e                 ; 'N' ; [0x4e:2]=0
|      |    ; JMP XREF from 0x00000d3f (sym.hint)
|      `--> 0x00000d66      lea rax, [local_110h]
|           0x00000d6d      add rax, 8
|           0x00000d71      mov rdi, rax
|           0x00000d74      call sym.imp.puts                          ; int puts(const char *s)
|           0x00000d79      nop
|           0x00000d7a      leave
\           0x00000d7b      ret

