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2019-05-14 22:37:19 +07:00
\lecture[8.1]{Representation and Description}{lecture-text}
% \subtitle{Sequence Control}
\date{09 September 2015}
\usetikzlibrary{automata,arrows,positioning, chains, shapes.callouts, calc}
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\tikzstyle{thinking} = [draw=blue, very thick]
\tikzstyle{tmtape}=[draw,minimum size=\sizetape]
\tikzstyle{tmhead}=[arrow box,draw,minimum size=.5cm,arrow box
arrows={east:.25cm, west:0.25cm}]
level/.style = { ultra thick, blue },
connect/.style = { dashed, red },
notice/.style = { draw, rectangle callout, callout relative pointer={#1} },
label/.style = { text width=4cm }
\subsection{Boundary following}
\frametitle{Representation: Boundary Following}
\begin{block}{\textbf{\alert{Step 1: }} Initialization}
\item $b_0$: The uppermost and leftmost point belonging to the region
\item $c_0$: The west neighbor of $b_0$
\frametitle{Representation: Boundary Following}
\begin{block}{\textbf{\alert{Step 2: }} Finding next point}
\item Let the 8-neighbors of $b_0$, starting at $c_0$ and proceeding in the clockwise direction be denoted as $n_1, n_2, .., n_8$
\item Find the first $n_k$ in this sequence such that $n_k = 1$
\item Update $b_1=n_k$ and $c_1=n_{k-1}$
\frametitle{Representation: Boundary Following}
\begin{block}{\textbf{\alert{Step 3: }} Finding next point}
\item Let $b = b_1$ and $c = c_1$
\item Let the 8-neighbors of $b$, starting at $c$ and proceeding in the clockwise direction be denoted as $n_1, n_2, .., n_8$
\item Find the first $n_k$ in this sequence such that $n_k = 1$
\item Update $b=n_k$ and $c=n_{k-1}$
\frametitle{Representation: Boundary Following}
\begin{block}{\textbf{\alert{Step 4: }} Iteration}
\item Repeat \textbf{\alert{Step 3}} until
\item $b = b_0$ \textbf{\alert{AND}}
\item The next boundary point of $b$ is $b_1$
\frametitle{Representation: Boundary Following}
\item How does the algorithm work, if the stopping condition is only $b = b_0$, as shown in the following figure?
\item How can we detect the boundary of holes, i.e., zero-values surrounded with 1-values.
\subsection{Chain codes}
\frametitle{Representation: Chain codes}
\textbf{\alert{Feeman chain codes}} $\equiv$ \textbf{\alert{A sequence of straight-line segments}} of specified length and direction.
Each segment, as shown below, is denoted a number according 4- or 8-connectivity:
\frametitle{Representation: Chain codes}
\begin{block}{Algorithm for extracting chain codes}
\item Re-sample the boundary by using a larger grid spacing
\item For each boundary point (during boundary traversing)
\item Obtain the node in the larger grid that is nearest to the current boundary point.
\item If this node is different to the node in previous step,
\item Compute a code using 4- or 8-connectivity from the node in the previous step to the current node
\item Output this code.
\frametitle{Representation: Chain codes}
\begin{block}{A example}
\frametitle{Representation: Chain codes}
\begin{alertblock}{Problems facing with chain codes}
The chain code of a boundary depends on the starting point.
\item Sequence of codes forming the minimum integer
\item Consider the chain code as a circular sequence.
\item Re-define the starting point so that the sequence forms an integer with minimum magnitude.
\item Sequence of differences
\item Difference $\equiv$ number of direction changes (e.g., in counterclockwise) between two adjacent codes.
\frametitle{Representation: Chain codes}
\begin{alertblock}{Problems facing with chain codes}
The chain code of a boundary depends on the starting point.
\item Sequence of differences
\item Difference $\equiv$ number of direction changes (e.g., in counterclockwise) between two adjacent codes. For 4-connectivity:
\item From 1 to 0 $\equiv$ 3
\item From 1 to 3 $\equiv$ 2
\item From 2 to 0 $\equiv$ 2
\frametitle{Representation: Chain codes}
\begin{alertblock}{Problems facing with chain codes}
The chain code of a boundary depends on the starting point.
\item Sequence of differences
\item Represent the chain code by a sequence of differences instead of the chain code itself.
\item The first difference $\equiv$ the difference between the last and the first components in the original. For 4-connectivity:
\item 10103322 $\rightarrow$ 33133030
\frametitle{Representation: Chain codes}
\item How can you extract the outer and the inner boundary of the ring in the figure? Note: there are noise in the input image.
\item How to extract the chain code that is invariant to rotation or orientation?
\frametitle{Representation: Signature}
\alert{\textbf{Convert 2D boundary to 1D time series data.}}
\frametitle{Representation: Signature}
\begin{block}{A Method: Distance from the centroid}
\item Determine the centroid of the boundary
\item For each angle $\theta$ (discretized angle)
\item Compute the distance from the centroid to the boundary point on the line oriented angle $\theta$
\item Output this distance
\frametitle{Representation: Signature}
\begin{block}{Problem facing with signature}
\item Signatures depend on the starting point, not invariant to orientation (rotation)
\item Starting point $\equiv$ The farthest point from the centroid (assume that it is unique)
\item Starting point $\equiv$ The farthest point on eigen-axis
\frametitle{Representation: Signature}
\begin{block}{Problem facing with signature}
\item The magnitude of signatures depends on image scaling
\item Normalize the magnitude to a certain range, for examples, $[0, 1]$
\frametitle{Representation: Signature}
\begin{block}{Another Method: Histogram of angles}
Input: \textbf{A reference line $L_{ref}$}
\item Extract boundary points
\item For each point $p$ on the boundary
\item Compute tangent line $L_{tangent}$ to the boundary at $p$
\item Compute the angle $\theta$ between $L_{tangent}$ and $L_{ref}$
\item Output $\theta$
\item $L_{ref} \equiv Ox \Rightarrow$ The method
\item $\equiv$ Histogram of tangent angle values
\item $\equiv$ Slop-density function
\item $\equiv$ Histogram of orientation for boundary points (HOG)
\section{Boundary Descriptors}
\subsection{Basic Descriptors}
\frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors}
Perimeter is the length of boundary.
\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Approximation methods:}}
\item $\equiv$ The number of pixels on the boundary.
\item $\equiv N_e + N_o\sqrt{2}$
\item $N_e$ : Number of even codes in chain code representation
\item $N_o$ : Number of odd codes in chain code representation
\item distance(B,C) = 1; but, distance(A,B) = $\sqrt{2}$
\frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors}
Diameter is the largest distance between any two points on a boundary.
\vskip 2em
\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Mathematical Definition:}}
\item $Diam(B)$: Diameter of boundary $B$
\item $D(p_i, p_j)$: The distance between two points $p_i$ and $p_j$ on the boundary $B$
\vskip 2em
Diam(B) &= \underaccent{(i,j)}{\text{\alert{\textbf{max}}}}\{D(p_i,p_j)\}
\frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors}
\caption{Diameter demonstration (Source: Book on Shape Classification and Analysis)}
\frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors}
\begin{block}{Major and Minor Axes}
\item \alert{\textbf{Major Axis}} : The direction along which the shape points are more dispersed. The distance between two farthest points on the major axis is the \textbf{diameter}.
\vskip 2em
\item \alert{\textbf{Minor Axis}} : The direction that is perpendicular to the major axis
\frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors}
\caption{Demonstration of Major and Minor axes (Source: Book on Shape Classification and Analysis)}
\frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors}
\begin{block}{Algorithm for obtaining major and minor axes}
\item Extract boundary points, using boundary following algorithm. Assume that there are $n$ boundary points
\item Store $n$ boundary points into matrix $X$ of size $n \times 2$
\item Each boundary point $p(x_p, y_p)$ is stored into a row in $X$
\item Compute covariance matrix $K$ of $X$.
\item Calculate the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of $K$
\vskip 2em
\item Major axis is the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue.
\item Minor axis is the remaining eigenvector.
\frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors}
\begin{block}{Basic rectangle and Eccentricity}
\item \alert{\textbf{Basic rectangle}} : The rectangle is a smallest rectangle that is aligned with the major and the minor axes and completely encloses the boundary
\item \alert{\textbf{Eccentricity}} :
E = \frac{\text{length(major axis)}}{\text{length(minor axis)}}
\frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors}
\begin{block}{Shape number}
\item \alert{\textbf{Shape number}} : The first difference (see chain-code) of smallest magnitude
\vskip 2em
\item \alert{\textbf{Order of shape}} :The order of shape $\equiv$ The number of digits in the shape number
\frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors}
Dot is the starting point
\frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors}
Given a order, How do we obtain encode a shape in this order?
\item Determine the basic rectangle of the shape.
\item Calculate the eccentricity of the basic rectangle, called $E_1$
\item From the input order, find a rectangle, called $R$, that has the order and best approximates $E_1$.
\item Input order $n=12$
\item $\Rightarrow$ $n= 1 \times 12$ ($E=12$); $n= 2 \times 6$ ($E=3$); $n= 3 \times 4$ ($E=\frac{4}{3}$), etc.
\item Use $R$ to create the grid size.
\item Use this grid to generate first difference and shape number.
\frametitle{Basic Boundary Descriptors}
\caption{Demonstration for generating shape number from an order}
\subsection{Fourier Descriptors}
\frametitle{Fourier Descriptors}
\item A shape
\item Extract boundary points: $(x_0, y_0), (x_1, y_1)$, etc
\item Define a sequence of complex numbers:
s(k) &= x(k) + jy(k)
\item $x(k) = x_k; y(k) = y_k$
\item $k = 0, 1, .., N-1$
\frametitle{Fourier Descriptors}
\item Perform Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
a(u) &= \sum_{k=0}^{N-1}{s(k)e^{-j2\pi uk/N}}
\item $u = 0, 1, .., N-1$
\item {\large $a(u)$ are \textbf{Fourier Descriptors}}
\begin{block}{Inverse DFT}
$s(k)$ can be approximated from the first $P$ Fourier Descriptors as follows:
\hat{s}(k)&= \frac{1}{P} \sum_{u=0}^{P-1}{a(u)e^{j2\pi uk/N}}
\frametitle{Fourier Descriptors: Example}
\frametitle{Fourier Descriptors}
\section{Regional Descriptors}
\subsection{Simple Descriptors}
\frametitle{Regional Simple Descriptors}
\item \textbf{Perimeter}: defined in previous section
\item \textbf{Area}: The number of pixels in the shape
\item \textbf{Compactness}:
\text{\textbf{Compactness}} = \frac{\text{\textbf{Perimeter}}^2}{\text{\textbf{Area}}}
\item \textbf{Circularity Ratio}: The ratio of the area of the input region to the area of the circle that has the same perimeter with the input region
R_c = \frac{4 \pi A}{P^2}
\item $A$: Area of the region.
\item $P$: Perimeter of the region.
\item $R_c = 1 \Rightarrow$ Circle; $R_c = \pi/4 \Rightarrow$ Square;
\subsection{Topological Descriptors}
\frametitle{Topological Descriptors}
\item \textbf{Input}: A region has $H$ holes and $C$ connected components
\item \textbf{Euler number}: $E = C - H$
\frametitle{Topological Descriptors}
\item \textbf{Input}: A Region represented by straight-line segments
\item $F$ : Number of faces
\item $V$ : Number of vertices
\item $Q$ : Number of edges
\item \textbf{Euler number}:
E &= C - H \\
&= V - Q + F
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
\textbf{Histogram-based descriptors: }
\textbf{Input: }
\item An image or a region
\begin{block}{A Method}
\item Compute histogram $p(z) = \left[p(z_0), p(z_1), p(z_i).., p(z_{L-1}) \right]$
\item $i = 0, 1, ..., L-1$ ( $L=256$ for gray image)
\item Compute the mean of $z$
m &= \sum_{i=0}^{L-1}{z_ip(z_i)}
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
\textbf{Histogram-based descriptors: }
\begin{block}{A Method}
\item Compute the nth moments about the mean $m$
\mu_n &= \sum_{i=0}^{L-1}{(z_i - m)^np(z_i)}
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
\textbf{Histogram-based descriptors: }
\begin{block}{Moments' meaning and properties}
\item $n=0$: $\mu_0 = 1$
\item $n=1$: $\mu_1 = 0$
\item $n=2$: $\mu_2 = \sigma^2$ : measure the variance of $z$ (intensities)
\item \textbf{Relative Smoothness} $R$ is defined as
R &= 1 - \frac{1}{1 + \sigma^2}
\item $R = 0$: for region of constant intensity
\item $R \rightarrow 1$ (approaching 1) for large variance $\sigma^2$
\item $\sigma^2$ should be normalized to 1 by $\sigma^2 \leftarrow \sigma^2/(L-1)^2$
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
\textbf{Histogram-based descriptors: }
\begin{block}{Moments' meaning and properties}
\item $n=3$: $\mu_3$ measures the skewness of the region's histogram.
\item $n=4$: $\mu_4$ measures the flatness of the region's histogram.
\item $n\ge 5$: still provide further \textbf{discriminative} information of texture content.
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
\textbf{Histogram-based descriptors: }
\begin{block}{More descriptors using histogram }
\textbf{Uniformity} $U$:
U = \sum_{i=0}^{L-1}{p(z_i)^2}
\item $U$ is maximum for images in which all intensities are equal.
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
\textbf{Histogram-based descriptors: }
\begin{block}{More descriptors using histogram }
\textbf{Average Entropy} $E$:
E = -\sum_{i=0}^{L-1}{p(z_i)\log_{2}{p(z_i)}}
\item $E$ measures the variation of intensities in images. $E = 0$ for constant images.
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
\textbf{Histogram-based descriptors: }
\caption{Three kinds of texture in sub-images}
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
\textbf{Histogram-based descriptors: }
\caption{Measurements for the previous three kinds of textures}.
Find the \textbf{discrimination} on the above measurements
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
\textbf{Relative positions of pixels: }
\item An input image or a region
\item $Q$ an operator that defines the position of two pixels relative to each other.
\item $L$: number of intensity levels.
\item \alert{Intensities are transformed to range of $[1, L]$ instead of $[0, L-1]$}
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
\textbf{Relative positions of pixels: }
\textbf{Co-occurrence matrix:} $G = \{g_{ij}\}_{L \times L}$
\item $G$ has size of $L \times L$
\item $i, j \in [1, L]$
\textbf{Meaning of} $g_{ij}$: $g_{ij}$ is the number of pairs of two pixels $p$ and $q$ that satisfy the following predicates
\item $p$ and $q$ satisfy operator $Q$, for examples, they are two consecutive pixels in the input image
\item Gray level of pixel $p$ is $i$
\item Gray level of pixel $q$ is $j$
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
\textbf{Relative positions of pixels: }
\item $Q$ : one pixel immediately to the right
\item $L = 8$
\item Input image $f$ of small size, $6 \times 6$
\caption{Demonstration of building co-occurrence matrix }.
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
\textbf{Relative positions of pixels: }
\begin{alertblock}{Normalized Co-occurrence Matrix: $G_{norm}$}
G_{norm} = \{p_{ij} = \frac{g_{ij}}{n} \}_{L \times L}
\item $n$ : the total number of pairs that satisfy $Q$
n = \sum_{i=1}^{L}{ \sum_{j=1}^{L} {g_{ij}} }
\item $p_{ij}$ : probability of occurring a pair of two pixels $p$ and $q$ that satisfy the positional operator $Q$ and that they have gray-levels $i$ and $j$ respectively.
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
\textbf{Relative positions of pixels: }
\vskip 5em
\begin{block}{Descriptors bases on $G_{norm}$}
\item \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Maximum Probability } }:
\item Measures the strongest response of the co-occurrence
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
\textbf{Relative positions of pixels: }
\begin{block}{Descriptors bases on $G_{norm}$}
\item \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Correlation } }:
\sum_{i=1}^{K}{ \sum_{j=1}^{K} { \frac{(i - m_r)(j - m_c)p_{ij}}{ \sigma_r \sigma_c } } }
\item Measures how correlated a pixel is to its neighbors over the entire image
\item Range of values: $[-1, 1]$, i.e., perfect negative and perfect positive.
\item $\sigma_r \neq 0$ and $\sigma_c \neq 0$
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
\textbf{Relative positions of pixels: }
\begin{block}{Descriptors bases on $G_{norm}$}
\item \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Correlation } }:
m_r &= \sum_{i=1}^{K}{i \sum_{j=1}^{K}{p_{ij} } } \\
m_c &= \sum_{j=1}^{K}{j \sum_{i=1}^{K}{p_{ij} } } \\
\sigma_r &= \sum_{i=1}^{K}{(i - m_r)^2 \sum_{j=1}^{K}{p_{ij} } } \\
\sigma_c &= \sum_{j=1}^{K}{(j - m_c)^2 \sum_{i=1}^{K}{p_{ij} } }
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
\textbf{Relative positions of pixels: }
\begin{block}{Descriptors bases on $G_{norm}$}
\item \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Contrast } }:
\sum_{i=1}^{K}{ \sum_{j=1}^{K} { (i-j)^2p_{ij} } }
\item Measures the intensity contrast between a pixel to its neighbors over the entire image.
\item Range of values: $[0, (K-1)^2]$
\item Contrast $= 0 \equiv$ $G$ is constant.
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
\textbf{Relative positions of pixels: }
\begin{block}{Descriptors bases on $G_{norm}$}
\item \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Uniformity } }:
\sum_{i=1}^{K}{ \sum_{j=1}^{K} { p_{ij}^2 } }
\item Measures the uniformity
\item Range of values: $[0, 1]$
\item Uniformity $= 1$ for constant images
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
\textbf{Relative positions of pixels: }
\begin{block}{Descriptors bases on $G_{norm}$}
\item \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Homogeneity } }:
\sum_{i=1}^{K}{ \sum_{j=1}^{K} { \frac{p_{ij}}{ 1 + |i - j|} } }
\item Measures the spatial closeness of the distribution of elements in $G$ to the diagonal
\item Range of values: $[0, 1]$
\item Homogeneity $= 1 \equiv $ $G$ is diagonal matrix
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
\textbf{Relative positions of pixels: }
\begin{block}{Descriptors bases on $G_{norm}$}
\item \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{Entropy } }:
\sum_{i=1}^{K}{ \sum_{j=1}^{K} { p_{ij}\log_{2}{p_{ij}} } }
\item Measures the randomness of elements in $G$
\item Entropy $= 0$: all elements in $G$ are zeros
\item Entropy $= 1$: all elements in $G$ are equal
\item Max entropy = $2 \times \log_2{K}$
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches - Demonstration}
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches - Demonstration}
\item $Q$: One pixel immediately to the right
\item Note: these matrices are discriminative
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches - Demonstration}
\item Measurements are discriminative
\frametitle{Texture: Statistical Approaches}
How can you reduce the size of co-occurrence matrices?
\subsection{Spectral Descriptors}
\frametitle{Spectral Descriptors}
\item Compute FFT, called $F(u.v)$, for the input image $f(x,y)$ for sub-image containing the input region.
\item Convert $F(u.v)$ to polar system $T(r, \theta)$
\item Compute measurements $S(r)$ and $S(\theta)$
S(r) &= \sum_{\theta = 0}^{\pi}{T(r, \theta) } \\
S(\theta) &= \sum_{r = 1}^{R_0}{T(r, \theta) }
\item $R_0$ : the radius of a circle centered at the origin.
\frametitle{Spectral Descriptors - Demonstration}
\frametitle{Spectral Descriptors - Demonstration}
\item Image $f(x,y)$ of size $M \times N$
\begin{alertblock}{Moments of order \textbf{(p + q) }}
m_{pq} &= \sum_{x = 0}^{M-1}{ \sum_{y = 0}^{N-1} {x^p y^q f(x,y)} }
\item $p = 0, 1, 2, ...$
\item $q = 0, 1, 2, ...$
\begin{alertblock}{Central Moments of order \textbf{(p + q) }}
\mu_{pq} &= \sum_{x = 0}^{M-1}{ \sum_{y = 0}^{N-1} {(x - \bar{x})^p (y - \bar{y})^q f(x,y)} }
\item $p = 0, 1, 2, ...$
\item $q = 0, 1, 2, ...$
\bar{x} &= \frac{m_{10} }{m_{00}} \\
\bar{y} &= \frac{m_{01} }{m_{00}}
\begin{alertblock}{Set of 7 moments}
\item \textcolor{blue}{See textbook on pp.863}
\item These moments are invariant to translation, rotation, scaling and mirroring
\frametitle{Moments - Demonstration}
\frametitle{Moments - Demonstration}
\item Note: The value of moments just \alert{\textbf{change slightly}} with rotation, scalling, translation, and mirroring.
\section{Principal Components for Description}
\subsection{Principal Components}
\frametitle{Principal Components}
\item A set $X$ of $K$ vectors, each has size of $n \times 1$
\text{\textbf{x}}_k &= \left[
x_1 \\
x_2 \\
\item \textbf{x} : an \alert{observation} (measurement) for $n$ \alert{variables} (features).
\item The variables can be width, height, length, or any other extracted features.
\item \textbf{x}: can be thought as \alert{a point in n-dimension space}.
\frametitle{Principal Components}
\begin{block}{Basic Ideas}
\item Components or variables in vectors of $X$ are correlated or uncorrelated.
\vskip 2em
\item Principal Component Analysis (PCA) will propose a \textbf{transforms}. When we apply this transforms for each vector in $X$, we obtain a new set of vectors that their variables (or components) are \textbf{ uncorrelated}.
\frametitle{Principal Components}
\item Compute the mean vector of $X$
&= E\{\text{\textbf{x}}\}\\
&\approx \frac{1}{K} \sum_{k=1}^{K}{\text{\textbf{x}}_k}
\frametitle{Principal Components}
\item Compute the variance-covariance matrix (called covariance matrix) of $X$
&= E\{ (\text{\textbf{x}} - \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}})(\text{\textbf{x}} - \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}})^T \}\\
&\approx \frac{1}{K} \sum_{k=1}^{K}{ \text{\textbf{x}}_k \text{\textbf{x}}_k^T } - \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}} \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}}^T
\item $\text{\textbf{C}}_\text{\textbf{x}}$: real and symmetric matrix
\frametitle{Principal Components}
\begin{block}{Meaning of the mean vector and the covariance matrix}
\item \alert{\textbf{Mean vector}}:
\item A vector that contains the mean value for each component (variable)
\item The centroid of the shape, if vectors are points in space.
\item \alert{\textbf{Covariance matrix}}:
\item Elements on diagonal: The variance of components
\item Elements off-diagonal: The covariance between component x and component y. These covariances are either negative or positive.
\item Positive covariance: Large value on component x tends to occur with large value on component y. Small value on component x tends to occur with small value on component y
\item Negative covariance: Large value on component x tends to occur with small value on component y and vice versa.
\frametitle{Principal Components}
\item Calculate eigenvectors and eigenvalues of $\text{\textbf{C}}_\text{\textbf{x}} $
Let $\text{\textbf{e}}_i $ and $\lambda_i $ be the eigenvectors and corresponding eigenvalues of $\text{\textbf{C}}_\text{\textbf{x}} $, for $i = 1, 2, .., n$
\frametitle{Principal Components}
\item Form transforms matrix $\text{\textbf{A}} $ as follows:
\item Matrix $\text{\textbf{A}} $ has size of $n \times n$
\item Eigenvectors are put to \alert{rows} of $\text{\textbf{A}} $ sin such a way that their corresponding eigenvalues are in descending-order from the first row to the last row in matrix $\text{\textbf{A}} $
\begin{alertblock}{Transforms Matrix's Properties}
\item $\text{\textbf{A}} $ is an orthogonal matrix, so
\item $\text{\textbf{A}} = \text{\textbf{A}}^T$
\frametitle{Principal Components}
$\text{\textbf{A}} $ is used to transform input vectors in $X$ to principal components
\item Perform the transformation
&= \text{\textbf{A}} (\text{\textbf{x}} - \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}})
\frametitle{Principal Components}
\begin{alertblock}{Properties of set of vector \textbf{y}}
\item The mean vector of \textbf{y} is vector \textbf{0}
&= E\{\text{\textbf{y}}\} \\
&= \text{\textbf{0}}
\item Variables of \textbf{y} are uncorrelated $\equiv$ Covariance matrix of vectors \textbf{y} has all elements zeros, accept ones on diagonal.
&= \text{\textbf{A}} \text{\textbf{C}}_\text{\textbf{x}}\text{\textbf{A}}^T \\
&= \left[
\lambda_1 & 0 & 0 &.. & 0\\
0 & \lambda_2 & 0 & .. & 0\\
0 & 0 & \lambda_3 & .. & 0\\
0 & .. & & 0& \lambda_n
\frametitle{Principal Components}
\begin{block}{Reconstruction \textbf{x} from \textbf{y} - \alert{\textbf{perfect reconstruction}} }
&= \text{\textbf{A}}^T\text{\textbf{y}} + \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}}
\frametitle{Principal Components}
\item $\text{\textbf{A}}_k$: created from $\text{\textbf{A}}$ by keeping the first $k$ rows
\item $\Rightarrow$ $\text{\textbf{A}}_k$ has size: $k \times n$
\item $\Rightarrow$ $\text{\textbf{A}}_k^T$ has size: $n \times k$
\begin{block}{Reconstruction \textbf{x} from \textbf{y} - \alert{\textbf{Approximation}} }
\item Keep $k$ important components of \textbf{y}:
&= \text{\textbf{A}}_k (\text{\textbf{x}} - \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}})
\item Reconstruct \textbf{x} from \textbf{y}:
\hat{\text{\textbf{x}} }
&= \text{\textbf{A}}_k^T\text{\textbf{y}} + \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}}
\item $\Rightarrow$ \textbf{y} has size: $k \times 1$
\item $\Rightarrow$ \textbf{$\hat{\text{\textbf{x}}}$} has size: $n \times 1$
\item \alert{\textbf{$\hat{\text{\textbf{x}}}$} is an approximation of \textbf{x} using the first $k$ important components.}
\frametitle{Principal Components: Applications}
\begin{block}{Dimension reduction }
&= \text{\textbf{A}}_k (\text{\textbf{x}} - \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}})
\item The first $k$ important component can be used as descriptor, so
\item Number of dimensions are reduced from $n$ down to $k$
\item Size of input \textbf{x}: $n$
\item Size of output \textbf{y}: $k$
\frametitle{Principal Components: Applications}
\frametitle{Principal Components: Applications}
\frametitle{Principal Components: Applications}
&= \text{\textbf{A}} (\text{\textbf{x}} - \text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}})
\begin{alertblock}{Properties of \textbf{y} }
Transformed features \textbf{y} has the following advantages compared to \textbf{x}:
\item Invariant to translation and rotation
\item \textbf{y} has been shifted to the centroid by $\text{\textbf{m}}_\text{\textbf{x}}$
\item \textbf{y} has been aligned with principal directions (eigenvectors)
\item Invariant to scaling can be achieved by dividing \textbf{y} for eigenvalues.
\frametitle{Principal Components: Applications}